4 December meeting


  • Discussion of open GitHub issues.
  • Discuss the schedule, and division of responsibilities.
  • Further discussion of @jjt’s Draft Description of User Interaction, which probably should be maintained as a separate document in GitHub.

Minutes: Commnets and corrections are solicited.

  • @tony_johnson wants to be able to perform a catalog search. @gpdf says that an API exists. @tony_johnson will look at the source code and implament it in Java.

Action: @jjt will install his Draft Description of the user interaction (13 Nov. mtg) in GitHub as a set of issues.

  • @dyue2 has posted his “static” code.
    Action: Fix the dependencies so others can run it.

  • @victor_ren has an example JSON file to specify CCD regions (amplifiers) with and w/o overscan. It is not complete. Some renaming is needed.
    Action: Look at the headers (DATA_SEC, etc.) to verify validity.

    @tony_johnson suggests that we use MAIN (in GitHub) for discussion items, and put executable code in other directories.

    The appropriate JSON file should be send to the client at the same time as the image (simplifies image-dependent issues).

  • Masking: FF implements masking as a FITS extensions. Perhaps the masks should be separate images.

  • @tony_johnson has created an ftp dropbox at SLAC for images. Here is an example directory. FTP credentials are needed only for write access. Get them from @tony_johnson.

    Action: @jjt should put his images there.

  • @tatianag says: Here is the FF repository in GitHub.

Action: @tony_johnson will generate example filters for image browser (?).

The JSON file is my gist now.
I will push this to our new main repository on Github.

SUIT is actually a model application, which works with Firefly.

New applications based on FireFly can be created in the same manner.

If you build lsstviewer with gradle :lsstviewer:war and deploy it on your local tomcat, it will be available at http://localhost:8080/lsstviewer/app.html

The search forms are defined in suit/lsstviewer/config/configurable. The one you see on the startup screen comes from square.xml LsstDataSetsFactory.java links SQUARE data sets to the config.

Each ImageSet has a nested DataSource element with searchProcId attribute. It tells Firefly which search processor to use. The parameters are a combination of the predefined parameters and those that come from the search forms. We usually put search processor under server/query directory. All search processors have @SearchProcessorImpl annotation. Please, search both suit and Firefly repositories by this string to see examples.

Xiuqin sent me a multi-extension fits file which illustrates how FireFLy handles masks. I put it here:


The kind of things we want to be able to search by are:


All of this info is available in our database. I will take a look at the SUIT example.