Kickstarter Colloquium
Our next Kickstarter Colloquium will feature:
Rubin Rhapsodies: Sonification of LSST Data for Enhanced Data Exploration and Accessibility
By Riley Clarke, Federica Bianco, Jendaya Wells, Christine Limb
The LSST Ecosystem - LSSTC - Helping Scientists use Rubin’s LSST
By Beth Willman
Wednesday, Jan 25, 2023
17:00 UTC
9am PST
Noon EST
6pm CET
6am + 1day NZTZ
Meeting link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/89400574226?pwd=ZGhsdUZLT3BkMzQ1QXkyZURodk9FZz09
Rubin Rhapsodies: Sonification of LSST Data for Enhanced Data Exploration and Accessibility
By Riley Clarke
Sonification is the use of non-speech audio to convey information. While visualizations are the traditional means of making data accessible to scientists as well as to the public, sonifications are a less common but powerful alternative. In scientific visualizations, specific data properties are mapped to visual elements such as color, shape, or position in a plot. Similarly, data properties can be matched to sound properties, such as pitch, volume, timbre, etc. In order to successfully convey information, both visualizations and sonifications need to be systematic, reproducible, and avoid distorting the data. By incorporating sonifications alongside traditional modes of data analysis, we propose that sonification can foster inclusivity and enable complementary methods of exploring the rich, complex, and multidimensional Rubin LSST dataset. Furthermore, our interdisciplinary approach employs traditional notation and orchestrations to convey information in a more approachable and memorable format.
The LSST Ecosystem - LSSTC - Helping Scientists use Rubin’s LSST
By Beth Willman
The LSST Ecosystem includes (i) the federally-funded Rubin project that is building and operating the Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST), (ii) the self-governed international LSST science collaborations, and (iii) LSSTC - a non-profit coalition of member institutions invested in LSST science and community building. The informal talk will focus on the role and activities of LSSTC. I will highlight ways that LSSTC programs can help you and your students prepare for science with LSST, and ways that LSSTC is designing its programs to set a new normal of inclusive participation in astrophysics.