DM Highlights 2016-06-01 to 2016-06-07

Work continues on the rewriting of LDM-151.



  • A DM Verification Plan status report has been accepted by Systems Engineering. (DM-6510)
  • A new section of the developer guide was created concerning how to structure Python test modules. No previous guidance existed in the developer guide. New test modules should follow these guidelines and we hope to migrate the current tests over time (migration instructions are in SQR-012). The eventual aim is for all tests to be runnable using the pytest test runner, making it much easier for us to gather testing statistics (such as pass counts, skips, expected failures and test run times).
  • DMTN-019: Dipoles in difference imaging from DCR.

RFC Activity

  • RFC-191 ADOPTED Can we add some unsupported functions to Eigen?
  • RFC-186 IMPLEMENTED Update scons to v2.5.0.
  • RFC-185 IMPLEMENTED Update “Using Boost” section in DM Developer Guide to prefer standard library by default.
  • RFC-181 IMPLEMENTED Add meas_extensions_photometryKron to lsst_distrib.
  • RFC-169 IMPLEMENTED Implement HSC-like stack provenance.
  • RFC-148 IMPLEMENTED Cleanup “versions” in JIRA DM project.
  • RFC-114 ADOPTED MariaDB and third-party package.
  • RFC-100 IMPLEMENTED Switch from boost::shared_ptr to std::shared_ptr.

Other Items

  • The initial phase of Boost cleanup has now been completed. The instructions on using Boost have been updated accordingly. (DM-5880)
  • meas_extensions_photometryKron is now built as part of an lsst_distrib build. (DM-3440)
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