Bluejeans: 107541143
- UIUC status.
Current responsibilities:
Infrastructure and Front end - Back end communication
Modify JSON file to accommodate gain and offset scaling by segment.
Remove all hard-wired quantities. Standardize FE/BE communication.
Tomcat server for the new API. We already have two Tomcat instantiations.
- Image math (sum, difference, ratio) with display of result.
- Back end histogram generation. Second moments of CCD amplifiers will be the first demonstration.
FE: histogram display. Is partially implemented. Second moment will be the demo.
Add functionality: Rescale x and/or y axes. The first requires communication with the back end. -
Commands driven by cursor location. Partially implemented.
Interface to the new Firefly API. We’ll use a new branch.
We need a small image repository for testing.
We need a repository of raft-level images. @tony_johnson is assembling some from CCD images taken at BNL. We want to be able display raft-level coordinates. The FITS metadata will include the required information.
There are lots of open Github issues. Some are quite old. Are they all really unfinished? We need to clean them up.
Gain/offset corrections will be done by Tony’s FITS generator. He will put the parameters in the metadata.
We need to have two versions of images: with and w/o overscan.
Firefly has a histogram functionality.
Action: @jbpagliuco: Look at it, for discussion next week.
Action: @jjt: Make a list of use cases, to assess its applicability. -
Next week: DIscuss result of Xiuqin’s meeting with DM folks (Jacek, Gregory, et al.).