2024 Rubin Community Workshop (RCW) survey strategy session

There will be a “survey strategy metrics” session at the 2024 RCW:

The Rubin survey strategy will need to remain flexible in operations, which means the metrics built to ensure that it was facilitating science across a wide range of areas will need to remain relevant. New metrics will need to evolve, but also existing metrics will need to be verified against actual science results. This becomes additionally relevant when considering that metrics will also be used to predict end-of-survey results, when “simulations” are part real-data (what observations have been obtained to date) and part predictive simulations.

This session will talk about how survey progress reporting is envisioned by the Rubin Observatory Survey Scheduling Team, but is also intended to lay out some preparatory work regarding this work of keeping metrics relevant throughout operations.

Will it be possible to accurately predict how well your science will be served by the LSST, while Rubin is in operation?

We are hoping this session will have significant interaction with the audience. Reconciling predictions from metrics with actual science enabled by the survey is a big topic!

We can accommodate some contributions from science community members, so if you would like to present a few slides to speak to these points, please contact me on the LSSTC slack (Lynne Jones) or via email (ljones.uw @ gmail.com).