As per RFC-211 we are proposing to use Starlink AST package to represent WCS and other coordinate transforms in the LSST, thus replacing LSST's afw::image::Wcs
, XYTransform
and similar classes. Starlink AST is written in C, in an object-oriented style. This makes it somewhat difficult to extend (e.g. add new mappings) and somewhat clumsy to use from C++, so we hope to assist David Berry, AST's creator, to write a version in C++. Note that AST's API is somewhat outdated, but given how large AST is, its extensive documentation and its significant user base, we propose not making substantive changes.
Meanwhile, I propose to write a thin, generic C++ and Python shim for those parts of Starlink AST that we know we want to use now, a wrapper that represents an obvious translation of the existing API and closely matches PyAST, an existing Python wrapper for Starlink AST. This shim can easily be extended to additional parts of AST, as needed, and used as the API (possibly with some refinement) for a C++ rewrite of AST. Thus if the rewrite is a success we can easily adopt it. This document gives the details.
Basic Features of a C++ Shim for Starlink AST
The following features are definitely wanted in a C++ shim for AST. These basically already exist in PyAST
- Create C++ classes for fundamental AST classes such astObject, astMapping and astFrameSet.
- Change free functions that act like methods, such as astTranP and astSimplify, into methods (member functions) of the appropriate fundamental classes.
- Put the code in namespace
, eliminate theast
prefix on function and class names, and use a lowercase letter to start function and method names. ThusastMapping
(a class) becomesast::Mapping
in the shim, andastTranP
(a function that acts like a method a.k.a. member function) becomesast::Mapping::tranP
. - Raise exceptions for errors.
- Use
where appropriate, instead of C style arrays.
Additional Changes Wanted Now
The following are desirable and fairly easy, so I feel they are worth doing now:
- Simplify I/O with some convenience functions or methods
- Make forward vs. inverse transforms more obvious than a flag provided to
and similar functions, e.g. with separately named functions. This will make it easier to understand the intent of calling code. - For transforming collections of points, support data in C order, e.g. x0, y0, x1, y1, .... This is more natural for C/C++ and Python users, and allows LSST to naturally represent such data as ndarray::Array<afw::geom::Point2D>.
- Minor cleanups, such as
- Make it easy to chain more than two transforms. This can be done as an additional constructor for ast::CmpMap that accepts a vector of mappings.
- Frame set method
does two very different things, depending on the value of its first argument; I propose replacing it with two methods:addFrame
, where the former adds one frame and the latter adds axes to all frames in the frame set.
Features to Postpone
I would like to have the following changes, but feel they are out of scope for a shim and should be postponed for a possible rewrite of AST in C++:
- Improve the API for specifying and getting attributes, to allow direct access and numbers instead of strings.
- Simplify how inverse transforms are handled. I consider the current system too complicated, especially when trying to make a compound mapping with an inverse transform, and internally, when trying to simplify mappings. My preference is to eliminate the
flag, and instead be able to obtain an inverse transform from any other transform. In many cases the inverse is trivial, for example the inverse of an affine transform is another affine transform with appropriate coefficients. In other cases we can provide an inverse mapping that contains the original transform. However, I doubt it is practical for the shim to do this. - Replace
withIEEE nan
. This matches modern user expectations and would simplify and speed up AST, because it contains many explicit tests forAST__BAD
which could be eliminated.
A prototype is available as astshim.
The remainder of this document describes the shim in more detail. The I/O has not yet been fleshed out.
Wrap Now
This section describes those aspects of AST that we know we need now, and so will be part of the shim.
The following classes and their methods need wrapping
- Object: base object for AST
- Object(astObject * object)
- clear(string attrib)
- clone() -> shared_ptr<Object> # do we really need this?
- fromString(string string) -> shared_ptr<Object> # this should probably be a constructor or class method on each class. That would be more convenient than trying to figure out what class was reconstructed.
- getT(string attrib) ->, T where T is one of C, F, D, I, L
- hasAttribute(string attrib) -> bool
- same(Object obj) -> bool
- set(string setting)
- setT(string attrib, T value), T where T is one of C, F, D, I, L
- test(string attrib) -> bool
- Mapping(Object):
- Mapping(astMapping * mapping)
- decompose() -> struct containing map1, map2, series, invert1, invert2
- invert()
- linearApprox(vector<double> lbnd, vector<double> ubnd, double tol) -> vector<double>
- mapBox(vector<double> lbnd_in, vector<double> ubnd_in, int forward, vector<double> &lbnd_out, vector<double> &ubnd_out, vector<double> *xl, vector<double> *xu)
- quadApprox(vector<double> lbnd[2], vector<double> ubnd[2], int nx, int ny) -> struct containing
vectors of double - rate(vector<double> at, int ax1, int ax2)
- removeRegions() -> Mapping
- simplify()
- tran(ndarray data) -> ndarray # data as an ndarray with dimensions #axes x #points
- tranGrid(vector<int> lbnd, vector<int> ubnd, double tol, int maxpix, int forward) -> ndarray
- report() -> string
- property getters:
- isSimple()
- isLinear()
- getNin()
- getNout()
- Wrap the following concrete mappings. If they have no additional methods (as in most cases) they can be wrapped as a simple factory function, which reduces boilerplate:
- CmpMap has two constructors/factory functions, but no additional methods:
- CmpMap(Mapping map1, Mapping map2, bool series, std::string options="")
- CmpMap(std::vector<Mapping>, bool series, std::string options="")
- PolyMap has one constructor and one additional method:
- PolyMap(int nin, int nout, vector<double> coeff_f, vector<double> coeff_i, std::string options="")
- polyTran(int forward, double acc, double maxacc, int maxorder, vector<int> lbnd, vector<int> ubnd) -> shared_ptr<PolyMap>
- SlaMap has one trivial constructor and one addition method:
- SlaMap(int flags=0, std::string options="")
- slaAdd(string cvt, vector<double> args)
- LutMap(vector<lut>, double start, double inc, std::string options="")
- MathMap(int nin, int nout, vector<string> fwd, vector<string> inv, std::string options="")
- MatrixMap has two constructors (AST offers a third with no matrix which results in a unit map; why bother?):
- MatrixMap(ndarray::Array<double, 2, 2> matrix, std::string options="") full matrix
- MatrixMap(ndarray::Array<double, 1, 1 matrix, std::string options="") diagonal elements as a 1-D array; nin=nout=length
- NormMap(Frame frame, std::string options="")
- PcdMap(double disco, vector<double> pcdcen, std::string options="")
- PermMap(int nin, vector<int> inperm, int nout, vector<int> outperm, vector<double> constant, std::string options="")
- RateMap(Mapping map, int ax1, int ax2, std::string options="")
- ShiftMap(int ncoord, vector<double> shift, std::string options="")
- SkyOffsetMap(Frame frame)
- SphMap(std::string options="")
- TranMap(Mapping map1, Mapping map2, std::string options="")
- UnitMap(int ncoord, std::string options="")
- UnitNormMap(int ncoord, std::string options="")
- WcsMap(int ncoord, int type, double lonax, double latex, std::string options="")
- WinMap(int ncoord, vector<double> in, vector<double> ina, vector<double> outa, vector<double> outb, std::string options="")
- ZoomMap(int ncoord, double zoom, std::string options="")
- CmpMap has two constructors/factory functions, but no additional methods:
- Frame(Mapping)
- Frame(astFrame * frame)
- angle(vector<double> a, vector<double> b, vector<double> c) -> double
- axAngle(vector<double> a, vector<double> b, int axis) -> double
- axDistance(int axis, double v1, double v2) -> double
- axOffset(int axis, double v1, double dist)
- convert(Frame to, std::string domainlist) -> Frameset
- distanc(vector<double> point1, vector<double> point2) -> double
- matchAxes(Frame frm) -> vector<int>
- norm(vector<double> &value)
- offset(vector<double> point1, vector<double> point2, double offset, vector<double> &point_out)
- offset2(vector<double> point1[2], double angle, double offset, vector<double> &point2[2]) -gt; double
- permAxes(vector<int> perm)
- CmpFrame(Frame)
- SkyFrame(Frame)
- FrameSet(Mapping), including methods:
- FrameSet(astFrameSet * frameSet)
- FrameSet.readFits(std::string path)
- FrameSet(Frame frame)
- FrameSet(Frame fromFrame, Mapping mapping, Frame toFrame)
- addFrame(int iframe, Mapping map, Frame frame)
- getMapping(ind1, ind2) -> Mapping
- getFrame(ind) -> Frame
- removeFrame(ind)
- remapFrame(int iframe, Mapping map)
The following free functions need wrapping:
- tune(string name, int value)
- tuneC(string name, string value) -> string oldvalue
- version() -> int
We need the following classes for I/O. Probably start by wrapping them directly, but I'd like syntactic sugar to simplify I/O.
- Channel, including putChannelData, read, write
- channelData
- FitsChan, including getFits, purgeWcs, putCards, putFits, readFits, removeTables, setFits..., showFits, testFits, writeFits
- XmlChan
Perhaps Wrap Later
This section describes aspects of AST that we may want someday. We will not wrap them now. If the C++ rewrite of AST goes through, then these will be updated as part of that.
The following classes will not be wrapped until needed:
- Circle, including circlePars
- DsbSpecFrame
- Ellipse, including ellipsePars
- FitsTable, including getTableHeader, putColumnData,
- FluxFrame
- GrismMap
- IntraMap
- KeyMap, including mapCopy, mapDefined, mapGet0<X>, mapGet1<X>, mapGetElem<X>, mapHasKey, mapKey, mapLenC, mapLength, mapPut0<X>, mapPut1<X>, mapPutElem<X>, mapPutU, mapRemove, mapRename, mapSize, mapType,
- NullRegion
- Plot, including curve, eBuf, genCurve, grfPop, grfPush, grfSet, grid, gridLine, mark, polyCurve, regionOutline, text
- Plot3D
- PointList
- Polygon, including downsize
- Prism
- Region, including getRegionBounds, getRegionFrame, getRegionFrameSet, getRegionMesh, getRegionPoints, getUnc, mapRegion, mask<X>, negate, overlap, setUnc, showMesh
- SelectorMap
- SpecFluxFrame
- SpecFrame, including getRefPos, setRefPos
- SpecFluxFrame
- SpecMap, including specAdd
- Stc, including getStcCoord, getStcNCoord, getStcRegion
- StcCatalogEntryLocation
- StcObsDataLocation
- StcResourceProfile
- StcSearchLocation
- StcsChan
- SwitchMap
- Table, including columnName, columnNull, columnShape, columnSize, getColumnData, getGrfContext, getTables, hasColumn, hasParameter, parameterName, purgeRows, removeColumn, removeParameter, removeRow
- TimeFrame, including currentTime
- TimeMap, including timeAdd
The following methods will not be wrapped until needed:
- Channel:
- warnings() -> KeyMap # can't wrap unless we wrap KeyMap or return a different type
- FitsChan:
- getTables, putTable, putTableHeader, putTables, retainFits, tableSource
- Frame:
- circle
- findFrame(prototypeFrame) # important, but will modify the FrameSet; applies to Frame and FrameSet
- format(int axis, double value) -> std::string
- getActiveUnit() -> int
- intersect
- interval
- resolve
- setActiveUnit(int value)
- pickAxes(vector<int> axes) -> shared_ptr<Mapping>
- unformat(int axis, std::string name) -> double # perhaps take char * instead of std::string
- FrameSet
- addVariant(Mapping map, string name)
- mirrorVariants(int iframe)
- Mapping:
- mapSplit
- resample
- rebin
- rebinSeq
- Object:
- lock
- thread
- unlock
The following free functions will not be wrapped until needed:
- convex
- delete
- escapes
- exempt
- export
- import
- intraReg
- outline # this should probably be a variant constructor for Polygon
- stripEscapes
The following function prototypes will not be wrapped:
- uinterp
- ukern1
Never Wrap
The following code will not be wrapped because the wrapper code eliminates the need for users to call it. The wrapper code will call these functions internally.
Our wrapper code will perform all status checking and raise exceptions as appropriate, so we will not wrap the following:
- clearStatus
- setStatus
- status
- watch
- ok
Our wrapper will automatically set up AST and tear it down, so we will not wrap the following:
- begin
- end