Add sbpy on the RSP as a default installed python library/package like astropy

Would it be possible to make the sbpy package one of the default installs for the RSP? Sbpy is the astropy equivalent for planetary astronomers. Many of the community use this frequently. Rather than having all the planetary astronomers installing this into the environment ourselves, it would be helpful if it came pre-installed.


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Thanks Meg, great suggestion. I’ve made a work ticket to look into this installation, and I’ll discuss it with the RSP Team on Thu Aug 17. We’ll be able to respond after that.


Hi again, happy to report that the plan is to make sbpy one of the default installs for the RSP. The aim is to get this incorporated into next week’s patch (weekly_34), and then bump the recommended image of the RSP to that weekly the week or two after that. The projection is that sbpy would be available in the default image for the Notebook Aspect by Thu Sep 7 (but I’ll try to remember to report back here if we are delayed).

In the future there will be a more standardized procedure to incorporate user packages (e.g., astropy affiliated packages), since a case-by-case basis would be too time consuming for all user requests. But until that is in place – and especially given the utility for DP0.3 – RSP team is able to accommodate this one request now.

Thanks for the suggestion!



I just tried to import sbpy and it appears to not be installed on the RSP. I’m getting “ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘sbpy’” when I create a new notebook and trying importing the module in the first cell.


My apologies, I had reported on a plan, and then did not notice when it didn’t happen. The RSP developer team has seen this (and Sam’s question) and is working towards installing sbpy. Timescale is likely several weeks before it becomes the recommended image for the Notebook Aspect, it will be announced at that time.

As of Thu Nov 30, the sbpy package is part of the recommended image of the Rubin Science Platform’s Notebook Aspect (Weekly 2023_47).


As of today, the DP0.3 tutorial notebooks 04a and 04b on phase curves use sbpy (thanks @galaxyumi331!).

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