overview of ANTARES, architecture, api for how data enters ANTARES including the structure of the VOevent data, how to connect to the outputs of ANTARES, what types of simulated data would make sense
2.30 - 3.30 Catalog and AlertSim details (Scott, Darko)
what is in the simulations, how we simulate alerts and generate event streams, current development plan)
4.00 - 5.30 Design of interfacing the simulations and ANTARES (all)
defining what variability sources we need and where should we
Evening Sky brightness model and needs for SOCS, scheduler
Required: Francisco, Michael, Peter
Wednesday 24th
9.00-10.30 Presentation of the scheduler design (Francisco)
Required: Sims, Francisco, Zeljko
11:00 - 12.00 SysEng DB versioning and next design (Scott)
Required: George, Brian, Chuck, Zeljko, Scott
12.00 - 1.00 Running at NERSC using Docker and Shifter (Debbie Bard)
Kem, Michael, Peter, Lynne
3.30 - 4.30 Phosim and its use by the project (John P)
Darko: present talk from Bremerton and updates. Walkthrough how to communicate and connect to the alert stream, e.g. what info should we pass, how do we pass filter information in xml
Scott: what variability models we have in the sims and how they are attached to the source populations
Steve: discussion of variability model from Kepler and what are the next steps to model this
9.00-10.30 Presentation of the scheduler design (Francisco)
requirements flowdown
design and context (performance and interfaces)
where we currently are, what functionality is there, how code is being laid out
how to configure the proposals (will be in a few months)
multithreading discussion
integration and testing
update of milestones and delivery
11:00 - 12.00 SysEng DB versioning and next design (Scott)
Talking with Brian and how to access the xml output
Parsing of the xmi files and how envisage maintenance of examples
12.00 - 1.00 Running at NERSC using Docker and Shifter (Debbie Bard)
Have a demo running at NERSC. How to run and produce outputs
Where the data go - run maf locally. Can NERSC support web access. MAF discussion of how it displays output
How to pull data out (globus connect). Command line tools