Analyzing LSST DESC Twinkles data at NERSC via remote jupyter notebooks

Thought you might like to know that Bryce ( @jbkalmbach ) is now analyzing our LSST DESC Twinkles data at NERSC via a remote jupyter notebook, using NERSC’s experimental “jupyter-dev” system. Here are his notes:

It’s easy for DESC members to get NERSC accounts, so if you’re interested in experimenting with working in this SUI-like mode, let us know.

Gregory (@gpdf), Xiuqin (@xiuqin), Trey (@roby), David (@davidciardi): are there any cool SUIT widgets you think we should be using already? :slight_smile:

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@drphilmarshall, This is from last week, and it might be of interest. Its a jupyter-based slippy-map interactive extension tool for catalog data with different layers overlay.

Thanks @mgckind! We’ll try and check Vizic out :slight_smile: