Howdy, old and new community members have been nudged to use this forum. So here’s a post whose relevance is looming.
Innumerable discussions have centered on follow-up using brokers. Entire paradigms (e.g., VOEvent) and partners (the U.S. VAO) have come and gone. Little has been (publicly) discussed about coordination between other surveys, though, of course, many must have been thinking about such details. One example is coordination of Rubin moving object detections with the Planetary Defense community. Candidate NEOs will be fed into the usual NEO confirmation page, Scout and Sentry Virtual Impactors, NEOfixer targeting broker, etc. But no specific planning has gone into coordination of survey footprints between the ongoing northern NEO surveys and Rubin, or between near future southern NEO-optimized surveys and Rubin. And simulations with the NEO Surveyor mission (east and west footprints) and Rubin.
Thoughts about optimizing surveys strategies? Rubin’s sensitivity to moving objects will be quite different from the NEO-optimized surveys, and it may simply be that we allow the overlap to happen and the more nimble surveys (same-night candidates, that is) will continue to score discoveries that Rubin will have a nice cottage industry following up.
What are the appropriate figures of merit? Orbital arc length? Maximizing the number of NEOs with both optical and infrared observations? 140-m NEOs? PHAs? 50-m PHAs?
What infrastructure will be needed? A few hour lookahead of Rubin targets? An annual rolling cadence assessment of the North-Ecliptic Spur? Special dispensation for announcing NEO candidates from streaked objects or resulting from the Twilight Survey? What does Rubin need to know about the other NEO surveys? Presumably Jehovah herself wouldn’t be able to modify the main (“universal”) survey, but will tweaks be possible to twilight targets? What questions should I have asked?