Crowded Stellar Fields session at the PCW 2023

Hi Everyone,
the joint SMWLV/TVS Crowded Stellar Fields task force (CFTF) announces a dedicated session at the PCW 2023, which will take place on Friday 11th at 9am PDT.
No remote connection will be available, therefore the participation will be limited to the available seats. A dedicated Slack channel will be made available for the online discussion.
We will cover all the relevant aspects of the crowded stellar fields, with a focus on the reduction and analysis techniques, provided by both the Rubin-LSST pipeline and by the International in-kind contributors.
The discussion will be introduced by the following flash talks:

  • Welcome: setup and session aims (W. Clarkson)
  • In-kind contributions summary (W. Clarkson)
  • Microlensing strategy and science (N. Abrams)
  • DECam Bulge photometry and calibration as a pathway to Rubin-LSST (A. Saha)
  • The Blanco DECam Bulge Survey (W. Clarkson)
  • Rubin-LSST pipeline and crowded fields (I. Sullivan)
  • The SCARLET deblender (F. Moolekamp)
  • Commissioning and crowded stellar fields (K. Bechtol)
    Thanks for your attention, and looking forward to meet you at PCW 2023!