The DM monthly status report covering XXX activities has been posted to DocuShare, collection-16257. For convenience, the High-level Summary is pasted below. Direct link to the full report: DocuShare Authorization Error
High-level Summary
Community Interactions, Meetings and Workshops
Several DM people attended the Data facilities meeting, which was more operations oriented, in Lyon both in person and virtually.
DM Scientist attended DESC virtual meeting as DESC liaison and presented on early science.
Technical Progress
The Alert Archive at the USDF was created for alerts generated with Prompt Processing and a scale test of the Cassandra Alert Product DB was performed with the production hardware.
Data Release Production delivered a version v29.0.0.rc1 pipelines release candidate for DP1 processing.
Summit Computer room was recovered after the Glycol shutdown. The last components of the Pixel Zone were added. Yagan (kubernetes computing), Elqui (kubernetes storage) and LSSTCam are all now inside the Pixel Zone. Yagan was also fully encrypted and upgraded to rke2. Yagan Switches were replaced by new Arista models.