DM Monthly Status Report for February 2022

The DM monthly status report covering February 2022 activities has been posted to DocuShare, collection-8803. For convenience, the High-level Summary is pasted below. Direct link to the full report:

High-level Summary
Community Interactions, Meetings and Workshops
The virtual DMLT face 2 face meeting was held Feb 15-16, several key technical and managerial topics
were discussed. This was preceded by the DM-SST vF2F on Feb 14.
In operations capacity several DM members supported/participated in the Rubin Operation Review. The
outcome was positive for Rubin (and Data Management in particular) and the recommendations

Technical Progress
A description of the goals of campaign management tooling from the Middleware perspective was written
Version 2.0.0 of the rubin-env conda environment was released including cfitsio 4.
The VO image services have been integrated with the image cutouts back end, contributed by Science
Pipelines, and the service has been released into production for testing leading up to DP0.2.
Our rewrite of kubespawner, the JupyterHub component responsible for scheduling user pods on
Kubernetes clusters, was merged upstream.
A new package analysis_drp was added to lsst_distrib. The QA Tasks therein will be added to the default
pipelines run on precursor data next month. The Optimistic B matching algorithm was re-written in C++,
resulting in a 10X speed improvement when matching sources in crowded fields, and a 2X reduction in
memory use. Solar System objects were added to the CI dataset used by Alert Production
NCSA shut down the test stand system and commenced boxing activity to ship equipment from the
NCSA to Chile and Tucson. Transferred functionality of testing camera systems to Tucson. Commenced
coordination of what data is to be moved to SLAC and install tools for that data movement on NCSA