DM Monthly Status Report for January 2023

The DM monthly status report covering January activities has been posted to DocuShare, collection-8803. For convenience, the High-level Summary is pasted below. Direct link to the full report: chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/DocuShare License Error

High-level Summary

Community Interactions, Meetings and Workshops

Several DM members attended AAS and interacted with the community Jan 8-13. DM the AMCR in Seattle January 12-13. 15 nuclear physicists from the SAPHIR Annual Research Meeting 2023 meeting were guided on a tour of the observatory Jan 21. Nancy Levenson was shown around on Jan 25.

Technical Progress

Several notes were published:

DMTN-248 DM Science reviewed the scientific impact of options for alert packets, and issued recommendations in.

DMTN-246 demonstrates use of external code with Butler.

DMTN-242 describes the design of the client/server Data Butler.

DM Science converged on a proposal for catchup and retry processing of prompt data products. The new proposal will add 2 new columns to distinguish withdrawn records from DIAObject versioning

A stress test of the Alert Distribution was conducted, and the service was reconfigured to support continuous operation. The AP Continuous Integration(CI) dataset management scripts were re-written to increase flexibility and simplify creating new or modifying existing CI datasets.

We completed a major overhaul of the data butler’s query system. While these changes are for the most part invisible to users, this rewrite is a major step towards both providing better graph pipeline execution (less manual intervention for pipeline operators, and more fine-grained control for commissioning). It also sets the stage for making that query system available in our “client/server butler”, which will use http APIs instead of database connections in order to scale up and add access control for science users.

The pybind11 wrappers in many Science Pipelines packages were modernized to reduce the number of shared libraries.

The Cisco ACI has been removed from the base and summit networks. The Rubin network is now easier to troubleshoot and manage, more reliable and cheaper to scale and support.