DM Monthly Status Report for June 2023

The DM monthly status report covering June 2023 activities has been posted to DocuShare, collection-8803. For convenience, the High-level Summary is pasted below. Direct link to the full report: chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/DocuShare Authorization Error

High-level Summary

Community Interactions, Meetings and Workshops

Open Science with Rubin was presented at AAS242. Early science presented at Solar System Science Collaboration readiness sprint.

Technical Progress

Documents published or updated:

DMTN-263 discusses Observing Schedule publication

DMTN-264 describes our TAP service architecture

RFC-938 Drafts a proposal to release source catalogs together with single visit images in year 1.

DMTR-391, DMTR-392: characterization metric reports for Releases 24.1.0 and 25.0.0 of the Science Pipelines.

Modernized the APDB schema, and updated naming conventions to implement RFC-906

Made the Prompt Processing service configurable, so that a list of pipelines can be triggered based on the contents of the nextVisit event.

Crosstalk-correction is now enabled by default for LATISS on Auxtel (see figure below).

Changes implemented to ctrl_bps to support quantum-back Butler to improve execution speed. Automated Rucio replication of full-scale LSSTCam images from SLAC electro-optical testing to the French Data Facility was built and deployed. Proper transfer of Large File Annex contents from the Summit to the USDF at SLAC was verified.

The Summit computer room underwent a temporary shutdown due to necessary power modifications. During this period, various outdated equipment and cabling were removed, making way for the installation of new PDUs. These updates are in preparation for the addition of a second UPS, which will enhance the room’s power infrastructure.