Hi everyone,
We are looking forward to an exciting DP0 Virtual Summer School in June. The organizing committee has decided to launch a ‘buddy program’ for the workshop. This will connect folks familiar with DP0 and the platform with folks who are brand new, should they have questions.
Are you brand new to the DP0? Would you like to have someone to ask any questions to before and during the workshop? If so, please sign up to have a Workshop Buddy.
Are you already familiar with navigating the DP0 dataset and tools? If so, we encourage you to sign up as a Workshop Buddy. The Workshop Buddy would help participants navigate the Rubin Science Platform, redirect them to additional resources should they need any and act as points of contact between the participants and organizers. We expect this to come with minimal time commitment.
We aim for the Workshop Buddy program to facilitate better networking among peers and a seamless flow of information before and during the workshop for resources related to DP0 and the Rubin Science Platform. If you haven’t signed up for the workshop yet and would like to join, go to the registration form by Monday, June 5.