EPO Monthly Status Report for April 2017

The EPO monthly status report covering April 2017 has been posted (Docushare, Collection-5236), direct link to pdf: https://docushare.lsstcorp.org/docushare/dsweb/Get/Version-43893/EPO_Monthly_Progress_Report_201704.pdf

High-Level Summary:

With the EPO team continuing to grow, we have initiated a weekly group meeting on Tuesdays. April began with a productive in-person workshop with our needs assessment contractors and continued with opportunities for team members to network and share knowledge at an Education Conference in Texas and a Communications and Outreach Workshop at Caltech/IPAC. EPO members are continuing training to use the recently-purchased Digital Asset Management System, Webdam, which will soon be populated with LSST Project digital assets. Finally, we put together a short video highlighting the images and video footage captured by the multimedia crew that visited Cerro Pachón last month.

2 months new to lsst community forum, learning the Data Management pipeline technology.
Where do I find more current dialog about EPO…everything I see on the lsst community forum seems very dated. Is the ongoing/active dialog in another service or web site.
I am curious to understand the association between EPO and the actual Data Management pipeline I’m learning so much about? Is there a connection between the two organizations?
Fred klich, dallas, tx

Hi Fred. The EPO Team has not been keeping up to date information here. We’ve been working through liaisons to science collaborations and DM and using Slack. I gave a presentation to the Science Collaboration Chairs in June and you can watch that here: 2021-06-30, A. Bauer "The Universe in Action Education and Public Outreach" - YouTube

I there anything specific you’d like to know?

Thanks for replying Amanda. In my initial inquiry I stated:
“I am curious to understand the association between EPO and the actual Data Management pipeline I’m learning so much about? Is there a connection between the two organizations?”
For example, one specific question I had is:

Does the EPO act to “teach/educate” the public about how to use the LSST Data Management pipeline? Like high school organizations, college faculty/students?

I will watch your recorded session to learn more. Meanwhile, I’ll watch for your reply.
thank you,
Fred klich

Also, Amanda, while still awaiting your reply to my email, I am interested to ask if I can be included in the Slack dialog? Are there specific requirements to be invited to the EPO slack channel?

I did indeed watch your 57 minutes recording, which helped a lot to my understanding of the epo.
I will listen keenly next week during the workshop to learn more.
Fred klich, Dallas, Tx

Hi Fred. If you are in the LSSTC slack then you can search for EPO channels and join what seems interesting. “See” you next week!

For next week, I am provisioned in the rubin2021pcw.slack.com slack account.
When you mention the “LSSTC” slack account is THIS what you mean? Or, is there another slack account that you’re referring to?
thanks, Fred, Dallas, tx