FY17 Decommissioning Activities

This is no longer planned for retirement.

Work continues here: https://confluence.lsstcorp.org/display/DM/DM+FY17+Procurement+Planning

The following is the list of services that are being considered for decommissioning. NCSA will continue operating any of these services if it beneficial for the project. We just want to know it is still necessary. Also, removing the web service does not imply that we are removing the related dataset(s). The tentative plan is to make all data sets available via GPFS. Consider if that satisfies the service use cases.

The following services are being considered for retirement

Calypso Data Access (/lsst6/calypso/*) (Calibration or Systems Engineering)

CatSim Documentation Webpages

Google Data Service

Panstarrs Data Access

Software Distribution Service

Build Bot Proxy



php myadmin
