When I git checkout -b newbranch
from a repository using git lfs
, suddenly all of my files that were being tracked by LFS are now listed as modified and that they’re going to be converted from LFS to git.
What is the correct thing to use to do a git checkout -b newbranch
without the LFS tracked files getting marked as modified?
[wmwv@lsst-dev01 validation_data_decam]$ git lfs status
On branch tickets/DM-13204
Git LFS objects to be committed:
astrometry_net_data/sdss-dr9-fink-v5b_and_398_0.fits (LFS: 62de588 -> Git: 62de588)
astrometry_net_data/sdss-dr9-fink-v5b_and_398_1.fits (LFS: ff2de80 -> Git: ff2de80)
astrometry_net_data/sdss-dr9-fink-v5b_and_398_2.fits (LFS: 1dc85fe -> Git: 1dc85fe)
data/0176837/bkgd/bkgd-0176837_10.fits (LFS: 5ec3a6c -> Git: 5ec3a6c)
data/0176837/bkgd/bkgd-0176837_11.fits (LFS: e20e678 -> Git: e20e678)
data/0176837/bkgd/bkgd-0176837_12.fits (LFS: 02e6364 -> Git: 02e6364)
Specifically this is for validation_data_decam
. The contents of .gitattributes
*.fits filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
*.gz filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
*.fz filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text