LDM 612 makes it clear that individual science users will not be able to directly access the full LSST transient alert stream (there is limited bandwidth, so a small number of users will be able to directly access up to roughly 20 full-sized alerts per visit per filter), and that access to LSST alerts will be primarily facilitated by the community brokers.
If a US-based individual science user is interested in subscribing to the full LSST alert stream, which of the seven full-stream brokers (Alerce, AMPEL, ANTARES, Babamul, Fink, Lasair, Pitt-Google) are best-equipped to facilitate such access?
You might want to have a look at Antares, which currently offers Zwicky Transient Facility data and will be doing the same for Rubin. Each of the brokers will be offering different things, so which broker is best for you depends on your science goals. It would be better to say what you are hoping to do with the data, as there won’t be access to the raw alert stream but access to the alert broker data products, such as what you can see at Antares.
Subscribing to the full LSST alert stream is not possible for an individual, since every night there will be many millions of large and complex information packets. You might want to have a look at Lasair, which currently offers Zwicky Transient Facility data and will be doing the same for Rubin. Lasair offers a custom filtering service to each user, based on lightcurve features, geometry, and intelligent crossmatch, with the refined stream – of greatly reduced bandwidth – available as kafka for your downstream processing.