Hi all,
I’m working with the LSST pipeline v24.0.0 and HyperSuprimeCam data,
and trying to run the step 2c subset of DRP which contains the Forward Global Calibration Method(FGCM)
(~photometric calibration process?) with the following command :
pipetask run --register-dataset-types \
-b $REPO --instrument lsst.obs.subaru.HyperSuprimeCam \
-i /HSC/runs/step2a \
-o /HSC/runs/step2c \
-p $DRP_PIPE_DIR/pipelines/HSC/DRP-Prod.yaml#step2c \
-c parameters:band=g \
-d "instrument='HSC'"
It returns FileNotFoundError,
raise FileNotFoundError(
FileNotFoundError: Not enough datasets (0) found for non-optional connection fgcmBuildStarsTable.fgcmLookUpTable (fgcmLookUpTable) with minimum=1 for quantum data ID {instrument: 'HSC'}.
and It seems like it requires “fgcm lookup table”.
So I tried to make one since I have found a pipeline tutorial for making a lookup table in https://hsc.mtk.nao.ac.jp/pipedoc/pipedoc_8_e/tutorial_e/mosaic.html
which works for Gen2 repositories.
However the fgcmMakeLut.py script described in the link does not work in my Gen3 repository.
How can I go forward?
Thank you for your help!