Interested in leading a short discussion on "LSST Beyond Gaia" at the Sept 17th SMWLV wide meeting?

Hi all! SMWLV is planning to dedicated the Sept 17th general meeting to a community discussion on science cases that can be done with long -baseline precision astrometry with Rubin. Please let me or Peregrine know if you’d be interested in leading a short ~10 minute discussion on your favorite science case ~enabled by astrometry with Rubin~ , either by responding below, slack or email. Please also feel free to recommend names of people for us to reach out to!

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@kcdage I’m a little nervous about charging into the fray, since we will be having the very first meeting of the re-activated TVS sub-group for Transiting Planets on September 9. Clearly, our work in this area will be using GAIA as a jumping off point. One of the GAIA data groups used machine learning to search the GAIA archive for exoplanet signals. They identified several hundred exoplanet candidates using transit, radial velocity and astrometry methods. We want to understand how we can leverage the GAIA exercise into the LSST environment. We also need to look at how GAIA astrometry was joined with external radial velocity sources to develop a joint fitting for targets. There was some work done by the team from U. of Geneva on this topic.

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I could talk about Rubin/LSST astrometry for ultracool dwarfs, or more specifically metal-poor ultracool dwarfs. Thanks…

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Thanks everyone! Aaron Meisner and Steven Gough Kelly will each be leading short (~20 min) discussions on metal poor ultracool dwarfs and galactic dynamics with insights from large-amplitude variable stars, respectively. See you there!