Let's coordinate observing cadence white papers

From discussion at an Unconference session at LSST2018, we concluded that the Science Collaborations have a diverse range of ways to coordinate papers within their collaborations, but there is not yet a full list of all white papers. We’d like to make a table of planned white papers both to give an overview of what’s being proposed and to allow for cross-cutting collaborations and sharing of resources when relevant (such as metrics, simulations, etc.). We’ll try to do this through LSST Community. If you want to participate, please edit this post with the name of the lead author(s), the Science Collaboration(s) involved, if any, the title of your paper, the kind of cadence (WideFastDeep, MiniSurvey, Deep Drilling Field, Twilight, or TOO) that you are proposing to address, and any notes you wish to share about your paper effort. (Thanks to TVS for inspiring the template of this table).

PS. I’ve prepopulated the table with papers that have been listed on Community or that I know something about, corrections welcome.

Lead Authors Collaboration Title Kind Notes
K. Olsen, P. Szkody SMWLV, TVS Mapping the Periphery and Variability of the Magellanic Clouds MiniSurvey, DDF A two-tiered proposal comprising a DDF survey of the Cloud main bodies and Mini Survey of the entire SCP region
J. Strader SMWLV Extending WFD to the Galactic Plane WFD
W.N. Brandt AGN AGN Science in the LSST DDFs DDF Goal is to state the needed total DDF exposures and needed DDF cadences for strong AGN studies. Drivers include SDSS-V/4MOST reverberation mapping, photometric reverberation mapping, and SMBH transient phenomena
G.T. Richards AGN LSST Rolling Cadence Optimized for AGN Science WFD Goal is to explore what rolling cadence choices would work well/acceptably for variable AGN science in WFD
G.T. Richards AGN Twilight Survey at Large Airmass Twilight Goal is to investigate the benefits to photo-z of a twilight survey in the g-band at large airmass, levering the effect of differential chromatic refraction. See https://arxiv.org/abs/0904.3909
Dan Scolnic, Michelle Lochner DESC Optimizing Cosmological Constraints from the DDFs and Mini-surveys MiniSurvey, DDF, Twilight, TOO Goal is to choose extra DDFs, cadence, ToO program, other mini-surveys
Michelle Lochner, Dan Scolnic DESC Optimizing Cosmological Constraints from WFD WFD Goal is to optimize WFD overall observing strategy including cadence, exposure times, filter changes
Meg Schwamb (@mschwamb) SSSC Observing the North Ecliptic Spur MiniSurvey Investigate benefits of the NES and optimum survey strategy in NES (would a subset of current observations be sufficient? do we want different filters or depths?).
David Trilling (@davidtrilling) SSSC DD fields for solar system objects DD DD options for solar system objects
Rob Seaman (@RobSeaman) SSSC Twilight survey for NEOs Twilight Investigate possibilities for discovering NEOs during a twilight survey
Raffaella Margutti @raffaellamargutti TVS ToO observations of GW events with LSST ToO Target of Opportunity We are still working to identify the best observing strategy, which will necessarily be a strong function of the properties of the GW event (i.e. size of the localization region, distance of the event etc).
W. Dawson & PALS collab. @wadawson TVS, DESC Microlensing Black Hole Survey of the Milky Way Bulge and Magellanic Clouds MiniSurvey A time variable survey of the Bulge in Clouds designed to detect the multi-year parallax microlensing signal of black holes in the Milky Way disk and halo. Can couple with shorter timescale surveys.
federica bianco @fed TVS Fast transients detection and characterization with LSST WFD WFD 3 visit, the first two in 2 filters, filter (A), revisit with another filter (B) within 30 minutes , and revisit the field with a larget time gap (~3h) with either filter A or B
Melissa L Graham @MelissaGraham TVS Cadence Optimization for Supernova Physics WFD, MiniSurvey, DDF A denser cadence than WFD in terms of filters and inter-night gap, but details TBD.
Suvi Gezari TVS The importance of u-band for identifying tidal disruption events in the LSST transient stream WFD We would like to explore the possibility of having a cadence in the u band that matches the g and r bands…at least for a subregion of the sky.
Rachel Street @rstreet TVS Unique Science from a Coordinated LSST-WFIRST Survey of the Galactic Bulge DDF We propose to monitor a single Deep Drilling Field centered on the WFIRST Bulge survey at high cadence (hourly or better) while the field is visible simultaneously from Earth and space, with extended monitoring at lower cadence to take place during the gaps between WFIRST’s Bulge survey periods.
Rachel Street @rstreet TVS The Diverse Science Return from Extending the Wide-Fast-Deep Survey to the Galactic Plane WFD Our proposal would extend the Wide-Fast-Deep survey strategy to include the Galactic Plane, but using a restricted range of filters (griz) rather than the full set to minimize the impact on the rest of the Main Survey.
Sara Bonito TVS Young stars with variability WFD It will be fixed later, but as observed in classical T Tari stars as TW Hya variability ranging from 30 min to several hours are expected due to the accretion process that we aim at investigating in u, r, and z filters.
Keaton J. Bell @keatonb TVS A cadence for reduced aliasing in LSST WFD We propose an additional consideration for the scheduler that weights fields according to when observations will contribute least to aliasing. The current aliases for each field can be calculated at the start of each night from the history of observations. We can then compute the times throughout the night when additional observations would worsen or alleviate these aliases. The scheduler should give preference to observation epochs that lessen the effect of aliasing, while still meeting other cadence requirements.
Michael Lund @lundmb TVS Observing the Galactic Plane as a MiniSurvey MiniSurvey ~1000 observations (same as WFD, roughly), but likely with a different filter distribution (likely mostly g, r, i) and revisit strategy (more likely to benefit from slightly more uniformly sampled observations instead of pairs of observations one hour apart)
John Gizis @jgizis SMWLV Twilight Survey for Milky Way MiniSurvey Details TBD, but big picture is a twilight survey aimed at extending LSST photometric system to brighter stars. Will probably concentrate on 3 filters.
Gisella Clementini - Ilaria Musella @ilaria.musella TVS The Gaia-LSST Synergy and Constraining Theory using LSST observations MiniSurvey Cadence should be optimised to allow the coverage of both short period (P< 1 d) variable stars such as RR Lyrae and delta Scuti and longer period variables (P from a few days up to about 100 d) such as Cepheids and LBVs.
Katja Bricman @bricmank TVS TDEs with LSST WFD test how the cadences released with the white paper call affect observations of TDEs. optimisation TBD
Mari Teresa Botticella @mtbotticella TVS SN rates and demography with LSST DDF We want to observe the deep drilling fields in one band with a cadence of 2-4 days to obtain detailed light curves for each transient and other two bands observations once a week to monitor the transient colour evolution.
Massimo Dall’Ora @dallora TVS RR Lyrae stars in the inner bulge: where the eagles dare MiniSurvey The pulsation periods of RR Lyrae stars range typically from 0.3 to 0.8 days, and therefore a continuous monitoring (let’s say, one or two data points per hour) during three or four consecutive nights would be the more effective technique to pick them and to provide robust pulsational parameters. This single run could be repeated over time, to improve the detection and derive more robust parameters and, even more importantly, to highlight the possible light curve modulations (the Blazhko effect).
Barbara Balmaverde @balmaverde TVS The Blazar scientific case for LSST WFD, MiniSurvey, DDF, ToO Showing peculiar and unpredictable behavior, 1) a reference filter to be used every night avoiding color conversion between different filters by acquiring one visit per night in the r-band and the other visit in one of the other filters according to the scheduled sequence, or by acquiring the two 15 sec exposures of a visit in different filters. 2) keeping the main Wide-Fast-Deep cadence as uniform as possible would likely facilitate the detection of periodic behaviours in the light curve analysis. MS: support the proposed mini survey in the North Ecliptic Spur, since this is a portion of the sky that it is covered by two radio surveys, the NRAO VLA Sky Survey (NVSS) and most notably the VLA FIRST Survey at 20 cm. DDF: Among the four already approved DDFs, only COSMOS contains two known blazars, which are faint and relatively quiet objects that are not suited to study the jet structure and physics. We thus plan to propose additional DDFs that are centered on a bright and very variable candidate neutrino source, and which contain also further known blazars of different flavours. We might ask for a ToO every time a high-energy neutrino is detected by IceCube or by the next generation neutrino detectors.
Raffaella Margutti @raffaellamargutti TVS ToO observations of GW events with LSST ToO Target of Opportunity We are still working to identify the best observing strategy, which will necessarily be a strong function of the properties of the GW event (i.e. size of the localization region, distance of the event etc).
Knut Olsen, Humna Awan, Marcella Di Criscienzo, Eric Gawiser, Lynne Jones, Edward Lin, Phil Marshall SS, TVS, DESC, SMWLV, Galaxies, SL Peaceful Solutions to the Cadence Wars WFD, MiniSurvey A white paper that derives from a hack at the LSST Cadence Workshop at Flatiron Institute, aimed at redefining the areas of WFD and MiniSurveys
Oscar Gonzalez, @willclarkson, Victor Debattista, Christian Johnson, Mike Rich SMWLV Galactic Bulge static science: photometry and proper motions WFD, MiniSurvey This was originally planned as a contribution to Jay Strader’s whitepaper, but is being split off into a standalone whitepaper-proposal to add a clear voice for static science (proper motions and photometry). While still a little rough around the edges, comments are welcome at this stage.
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Note: these papers are listed in the consolidated table.

Good idea! Thanks for starting this. Here’s what we’re planning to submit from the DESC:

Lead Authors Collaboration Title Kind Notes
Dan Scolnic, Michelle Lochner DESC Optimizing Cosmological Constraints from the DDFs and Mini-surveys MiniSurvey,DDF,Twilight,TOO Goal is to choose extra DDFs, cadence, ToO program, other mini-surveys
Michelle Lochner, Dan Scolnic DESC Optimizing Cosmological Constraints from WFD WFD Goal is to optimize WFD overall observing strategy including cadence, exposure times, filter changes

And here’s some markdown for others to copy and paste:

| Lead Authors | Collaboration | Title | Kind | Notes |
|   |   |   |   |   | 
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Note: these papers are listed in the consolidated table.

Thanks @knutago (and thanks @drphilmarshall for the markdown)

Here are some that the SSSC have in mind.

Lead Authors Collaboration Title Kind Notes
Meg Swamb (@mschwamb) SSSC Observing the North Ecliptic Spur minisurvey Investigate benefits of the NES and optimum survey strategy in NES (would a subset of current observations be sufficient? do we want different filters or depths?).
David Trilling (@davidtrilling) SSSC DD fields for solar system objects DD DD options for solar system objects
Rob Seaman (@RobSeaman) SSSC Twilight survey for NEOs Twilight Investigate possibilities for discovering NEOs during a twilight survey

(@mschwamb @davidtrilling @RobSeaman please let me know if you'd like me to edit any of the above information)

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Thanks! Will adopt your shorter headings.

The NES is a minisurvey.


@knutago If you like, I believe that by using the “wrench tool” you can make your original post into a wiki that anyone else can edit.

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Very cool! Thanks for the tip!

Hi all, I have something related to this topic. I’m working on a white-paper support document that evaluates the photo-z quality evolution for the proposed OpSim runs. So far I have done several of the OpSim runs that were released with the call for white papers. I could do more, including community-generated OpSim databases, and especially if that would facilitate someone’s white paper development. Here is a read-only link to the live draft in progress on Overleaf: https://www.overleaf.com/read/fgnvddbnrmgk
Let me know if this is, or might be, helpful to you. I’m very happy to collaborate.

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Note: this paper is listed in the consolidated table.

Lead Authors Collaboration Title Kind Notes
W. Dawson & PALS collab. TVS, DESC Microlensing Black Hole Survey of the Milky Way Bulge and Magellanic Clouds MiniSurvey A time variable survey of the Bulge in Clouds designed to detect the multi-year parallax microlensing signal of black holes in the Milky Way disk and halo. Can couple with shorter timescale surveys.

Note: these papers are listed in the consolidated table.

Here are the TVS planned submissions

Lead Authors Collaboration Title Kind Notes
Gisella Clementini - Ilaria Musella @ilaria.musella TVS The Gaia-LSST Synergy and Constraining Theory using LSST observations MiniSurvey Cadence should be optimised to allow the coverage of both short period (P< 1 d) variable stars such as RR Lyrae and delta Scuti and longer period variables (P from a few days up to about 100 d) such as Cepheids and LBVs.
Katja Bricman @bricmank TVS TDEs with LSST WFD test how the cadences released with the white paper call affect observations of TDEs. optimisation TBD
Mari Teresa Botticella @mtbotticella TVS SN rates and demography with LSST DDF We want to observe the deep drilling fields in one band with a cadence of 2-4 days to obtain detailed light curves for each transient and other two bands observations once a week to monitor the transient colour evolution.
Massimo Dall’Ora @dallora TVS RR Lyrae stars in the inner bulge: where the eagles dare MiniSurvey The pulsation periods of RR Lyrae stars range typically from 0.3 to 0.8 days, and therefore a continuous monitoring (let’s say, one or two data points per hour) during three or four consecutive nights would be the more effective technique to pick them and to provide robust pulsational parameters. This single run could be repeated over time, to improve the detection and derive more robust parameters and, even more importantly, to highlight the possible light curve modulations (the Blazhko effect).
Barbara Balmaverde @balmaverde TVS The Blazar scientific case for LSST WFD, MiniSurvey, DDF, ToO Showing peculiar and unpredictable behavior, 1) a reference filter to be used every night avoiding color conversion between different filters by acquiring one visit per night in the r-band and the other visit in one of the other filters according to the scheduled sequence, or by acquiring the two 15 sec exposures of a visit in different filters. 2) keeping the main Wide-Fast-Deep cadence as uniform as possible would likely facilitate the detection of periodic behaviours in the light curve analysis. MS: support the proposed mini survey in the North Ecliptic Spur, since this is a portion of the sky that it is covered by two radio surveys, the NRAO VLA Sky Survey (NVSS) and most notably the VLA FIRST Survey at 20 cm. DDF: Among the four already approved DDFs, only COSMOS contains two known blazars, which are faint and relatively quiet objects that are not suited to study the jet structure and physics. We thus plan to propose additional DDFs that are centered on a bright and very variable candidate neutrino source, and which contain also further known blazars of different flavours. We might ask for a ToO every time a high-energy neutrino is detected by IceCube or by the next generation neutrino detectors.
Raffaella Margutti @raffaellamargutti TVS ToO observations of GW events with LSST ToO Target of Opportunity We are still working to identify the best observing strategy, which will necessarily be a strong function of the properties of the GW event (i.e. size of the localization region, distance of the event etc).
W. Dawson & PALS collab. @wadawson TVS, DESC Microlensing Black Hole Survey of the Milky Way Bulge and Magellanic Clouds MiniSurvey A time variable survey of the Bulge in Clouds designed to detect the multi-year parallax microlensing signal of black holes in the Milky Way disk and halo. Can couple with shorter timescale surveys.
federica bianco @fed TVS Fast transients detection and characterization with LSST WFD WFD 3 visit, the first two in 2 filters, filter (A), revisit with another filter (B) within 30 minutes , and revisit the field with a larget time gap (~3h) with either filter A or B
Melissa L Graham @MelissaGraham TVS Cadence Optimization for Supernova Physics WFD, MiniSurvey, DDF A denser cadence than WFD in terms of filters and inter-night gap, but details TBD.
Suvi Gezari TVS The importance of u-band for identifying tidal disruption events in the LSST transient stream WFD We would like to explore the possibility of having a cadence in the u band that matches the g and r bands…at least for a subregion of the sky.
Rachel Street @rstreet TVS Unique Science from a Coordinated LSST-WFIRST Survey of the Galactic Bulge DDF We propose to monitor a single Deep Drilling Field centered on the WFIRST Bulge survey at high cadence (hourly or better) while the field is visible simultaneously from Earth and space, with extended monitoring at lower cadence to take place during the gaps between WFIRST’s Bulge survey periods.
Rachel Street @rstreet TVS The Diverse Science Return from Extending the Wide-Fast-Deep Survey to the Galactic Plane WFD Our proposal would extend the Wide-Fast-Deep survey strategy to include the Galactic Plane, but using a restricted range of filters (griz) rather than the full set to minimize the impact on the rest of the Main Survey.
Sara Bonito TVS Young stars with variability WFD It will be fixed later, but as observed in classical T Tari stars as TW Hya variability ranging from 30 min to several hours are expected due to the accretion process that we aim at investigating in u, r, and z filters.
Keaton J. Bell @keatonb TVS A cadence for reduced aliasing in LSST WFD We propose an additional consideration for the scheduler that weights fields according to when observations will contribute least to aliasing. The current aliases for each field can be calculated at the start of each night from the history of observations. We can then compute the times throughout the night when additional observations would worsen or alleviate these aliases. The scheduler should give preference to observation epochs that lessen the effect of aliasing, while still meeting other cadence requirements.
Michael Lund @lundmb TVS Observing the Galactic Plane as a MiniSurvey MiniSurvey ~1000 observations (same as WFD, roughly), but likely with a different filter distribution (likely mostly g, r, i) and revisit strategy (more likely to benefit from slightly more uniformly sampled observations instead of pairs of observations one hour apart)

Note: this paper is listed in the consolidated table.

My attempt to edit directly failed, but here is a preliminary entry:

Lead Authors Collaboration Title Kind Notes
John Gizis @jgizis SMWLV Twilight Survey for Milky Way MiniSurvey Details TBD, but big picture is a twilight survey aimed at extending LSST photometric system to brighter stars. Will probably concentrate on 3 filters.

Hi John, I attempted to the edit the original (no wiki-fied) post, and got a message that “an error occurred”. Time to ask for sysadmin support…

Maybe I broke it. :frowning:

For anyone interested in a +30 DEC extension in the form of a mini-survey, please get in touch as a group of people will be having a telecon tomorrow about this: +30 DEC LSST discussion
Thursday, September 13, 2018
9:00 am | Pacific Daylight Time (San Francisco, GMT-07:00) | 2 hrs
Meeting number (access code): 900 495 735
Meeting password: tag (824 from phones)

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I took the opportunity at the WFIRST/LSST deep-fields meeting to flesh out science drivers for a deep-drilling field with a nearby mass concentration (e.g. cluster or group of galaxies) in the foreground. The idea was briefly mentioned in the earlier Galaxies Collaboration inputs to the selection of deep fields. But honestly I think some of the more interesting science possibilities are on other topics (mostly time-domain topics), and these get considerably more interesting with WFIRST adding to the data set. My slides from the workshop are at https://stsci.box.com/s/x985kayhtqofdc08hj152msufbpu9csa. I’d be interested in having help to craft a white paper, as well as work out metrics for cadence optimization.

(This whitepaper is listed in the consolidated table above.)

We are writing a whitepaper for static science (photometry and proper motions) towards the Galactic Bulge, focusing on static science (bulge structure from photometry and proper motions). This was originally planned as a contribution to Jay Strader’s whitepaper, but is being split off into a standalone whitepaper-proposal to add a clear voice for static science (to complement the several variability-based proposals for inner-plane science, which our whitepaper references.) While still a little rough around the edges, comments are welcome at this stage. Clicking the link below should take you to the whitepaper draft.

cc @rstreet @wadawson @jgizis @lundmb @knutago

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Knut, I’m submitting another cadence WP:

Eric Feigelson
Characterizing Variable Stars in a Single Night with LSST
A single low-latitude Galactic field with ~1M stars in a continuous sequence of 15 second exposures for one long winter night in a single photometric band. A powerful array of statistical procedures are used to characterize & classify short-term stellar variability.

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Hi Will, sorry for not having had a chance to comment, have been swamped!