I am working for Euclid and have the responsability of the lsst data processing within the Euclid infrastruture.
I was asked about the bit flags used in LSST, and saw that you are refering to Mask Planes Number whereas Euclid uses Bit Mask Value in their documentation.
I guessed that the correspondance between the two was as follow :
0 0x00000001 1 BAD
1 0x00000002 2 SAT
2 0x00000004 4 INTRP
3 0x00000008 8 CR
4 0x00000010 16 EDGE
5 0x00000020 32 DETECTED
6 0x00000040 64 DETECTED_NEGATIVE
7 0x00000080 128 SUSPECT
Can someone tell me if this is correct ?
Thank you for your help.