New Firefly API links

The Firefly repository is
Caltech-IPAC/firefly on GitHub

API documentation is linked from the first page README.

The standalone firefly with embedded tomcat server is in

Assuming the tomcat server is running locally on port 8080,

http://localhost:8080/firefly - brings the front page
http://localhost:8080/firefly/demo/ffapi-2images.html - basic example demonstrating how to work with images, show the regions, and track the mouse via API
http://localhost:8080/firefly/demo/ffapi-highlevel-test.html - much less tidy but more complete showcase of current API functions

NOTE: Please, note the change fftools->firefly

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@tony_johnson - Firefly master branch is updated and the new version is released today. You might want to rebuild Firefly at SLAC. See Caltech-IPAC/firefly on GitHub.

I think it is updated,

Yes, it’s updated. @jbpagliuco you can see both demo pages now:

and here is the one for overlapping histograms: