Online Workshop on Ultracool Dwarf Science with Rubin Observatory LSST

Dear colleagues,

We are organizing a online-only workshop “Ultracool Dwarfs in the
Rubin Observatory LSST survey” to encourage discussion of brown dwarf
and very-low-mass star science, raise the visibility of current work,
and make plans for future LSST research.

We are thinking of two days for two hours each day in the hopes that
it would be accessible across a wide range of time zones. We will work
out a specific schedule later.

If you are interested in attending or presenting at this workshop,
please fill out this google form:

Please share the form with others – particularly Early Career
Researchers – you think might be interested even if they are not
currently SMWLV members.

Best wishes,

John Gizis
Christian Aganze
Adam Burgasser
Ben Burningham