This is the continuation of a discussion started on HipChat.
I have run on some CFHT images and correctly produced files in output/coadd_dir/forced but I get an error when I try to access the produced catalogs through the butler. For instance if I do the following:
dataId = {'visit':visit, 'ccd':ccd, 'tract':0, 'filter':filter}
forced = butler.get("forced_src", dataId=dataId)
I get :
/home/boutigny/LSST/new/lsstsw/stack/Linux64/daf_persistence/12.0-1-gc553c11+1/python/lsst/daf/persistence/registries.pyc in lookup(self, lookupProperties, reference, dataId, **kwargs)
315 valueList.append(v)
316 cmd += " WHERE " + " AND ".join(whereList)
--> 317 c = self.conn.execute(cmd, valueList)
318 result = []
319 for row in c:
OperationalError: no such column: tract
I the forced_src entry in MegacamMapper.paf file looks ok:
forced_src: {
template: "forced/%(runId)s/%(object)s/%(date)s/%(filter)s/%(tract)d/FORCEDSRC-%(visit)d-%(ccd)02d.fits"
python: "lsst.afw.table.SourceCatalog"
persistable: "ignored"
storage: "FitsCatalogStorage"
tables: raw
tables: raw_visit
but apparently the butler is unable to reconstruct the full dataId from the partial list of provided keywords (visit, ccd, filter and tract) which are yet sufficient.
The problem seems to be related to the mixture between ccd-like keywords (visit, ccd, filter) and the coadd-like keyword (tract).
Following @hsinfang suggestion I tried to provide the complete dataId:
dataId = {'runId':'08BO01', 'object':'SCL-2241_P1','date':'2008-09-02', 'visit':1022064, 'ccd':25, 'tract':0, 'filter':'u'}
and it worked without problem.
This is very annoying as one of the functionality of the butler is to determine automatically the missing keywords. Doing that by hand is not practical.
I have the feeling that it may be possible to implement a trick in to force the system to consider “tract” as a valid keyword for forced_src but I don’t know how to do this practically…