Thank you for your advice, it let me know the error was related to the rawformatter
. With the direction you pointed I read the rawformatter
of DECam
and HSC
, I knew that we should use the class like lsst.afw.image.ImageF
to control the type we used to read the data.
And I have some questions about rawformatter
. This is the class of DECam, it will not try to read the “extension 0”, it only read the extension related to that CCDs.
class DarkEnergyCameraRawFormatter(FitsRawFormatterBase):
translatorClass = astro_metadata_translator.DecamTranslator
filterDefinitions = DarkEnergyCamera.filterDefinitions
# DECam has a coordinate system flipped on X with respect to our
# VisitInfo definition of the field angle orientation.
# We have to specify the flip explicitly until DM-20746 is implemented.
wcsFlipX = True
def getDetector(self, id):
return DarkEnergyCamera().getCamera()[id]
def _scanHdus(self, filename, detectorId):
"""Scan through a file for the HDU containing data from one detector.
filename : `str`
The file to search through.
detectorId : `int`
The detector id to search for.
index : `int`
The index of the HDU with the requested data.
metadata: `lsst.daf.base.PropertyList`
The metadata read from the header for that detector id.
Raised if detectorId is not found in any of the file HDUs
log = logging.getLogger("DarkEnergyCameraRawFormatter")
log.debug("Did not find detector=%s at expected HDU=%s in %s: scanning through all HDUs.",
detectorId, detector_to_hdu[detectorId], filename)
fitsData = lsst.afw.fits.Fits(filename, 'r')
# NOTE: The primary header (HDU=0) does not contain detector data.
for i in range(1, fitsData.countHdus()):
metadata = fitsData.readMetadata()
if metadata['CCDNUM'] == detectorId:
return i, metadata
raise ValueError(f"Did not find detectorId={detectorId} as CCDNUM in any HDU of {filename}.")
def _determineHDU(self, detectorId):
"""Determine the correct HDU number for a given detector id.
detectorId : `int`
The detector id to search for.
index : `int`
The index of the HDU with the requested data.
metadata : `lsst.daf.base.PropertyList`
The metadata read from the header for that detector id.
Raised if detectorId is not found in any of the file HDUs
filename = self.fileDescriptor.location.path
index = detector_to_hdu[detectorId]
metadata = lsst.afw.fits.readMetadata(filename, index)
if metadata['CCDNUM'] != detectorId:
# the detector->HDU mapping is different in this file: try scanning
return self._scanHdus(filename, detectorId)
fitsData = lsst.afw.fits.Fits(filename, 'r')
return index, metadata
except lsst.afw.fits.FitsError:
# if the file doesn't contain all the HDUs of "normal" files, try scanning
return self._scanHdus(filename, detectorId)
def readMetadata(self):
index, metadata = self._determineHDU(self.dataId['detector'])
return metadata
def readImage(self):
index, metadata = self._determineHDU(self.dataId['detector'])
return lsst.afw.image.ImageI(self.fileDescriptor.location.path, index)
But if I mimic the behavior of ‘DECam’, like(Here I only read the extension 1 by fitsData.setHdu(1)
. And the structure of ZTF’ fits I used is: every fits have 2 extensions, extension 0 for primary hdu, and extension 1 related to the image come from a single amplifier.
class ZTFCameraRawFormatter(FitsRawFormatterBase):
wcsFlipX = True
translatorClass = ZTFTranslator
filterDefinitions = ZTF_FILTER_DEFINTIONS
def getDetector(self, id):
return ZTFCamera().getCamera()[id]
def readMetadata(self):
fitsData = lsst.afw.fits.Fits(self.fileDescriptor.location.path, 'r')
metadata = fitsData.readMetadata()
return metadata
def readImage(self):
return lsst.afw.image.ImageF(self.fileDescriptor.location.path, 1)
And then use the pipetask run to process the data ingested successfully, It will have a lot of warning like:
astro_metadata_translator.observationInfo WARNING: Ignoring Error calculating property 'altaz_begin' using translator <class 'astro_metadata_translator.translators.ztf.ZTFTranslator'> and file /home/yu/wfst_data/ztf_try/ZTF/raw/all/raw/20210804/ztf_20210804364132/raw_ZTF_ZTF_r_ztf_20210804364132_43_ZTF_raw_all.fits: 'DATE-OBS not found'
astro_metadata_translator.observationInfo WARNING: Ignoring Error calculating property 'observation_type' using translator <class 'astro_metadata_translator.translators.ztf.ZTFTranslator'> and file /home/yu/wfst_data/ztf_try/ZTF/raw/all/raw/20210804/ztf_20210804364132/raw_ZTF_ZTF_r_ztf_20210804364132_43_ZTF_raw_all.fits: 'IMGTYPE not found'
astro_metadata_translator.observationInfo WARNING: Ignoring Error calculating property 'dark_time' using translator <class 'astro_metadata_translator.translators.ztf.ZTFTranslator'> and file /home/yu/wfst_data/ztf_try/ZTF/raw/all/raw/20210804/ztf_20210804364132/raw_ZTF_ZTF_r_ztf_20210804364132_43_ZTF_raw_all.fits: "Could not find ['EXPTIME'] in header"
astro_metadata_translator.observationInfo WARNING: Ignoring Error calculating property 'datetime_end' using translator <class 'astro_metadata_translator.translators.ztf.ZTFTranslator'> and file /home/yu/wfst_data/ztf_try/ZTF/raw/all/raw/20210804/ztf_20210804364132/raw_ZTF_ZTF_r_ztf_20210804364132_43_ZTF_raw_all.fits: "Could not find ['EXPTIME'] in header"
astro_metadata_translator.observationInfo WARNING: Ignoring Error calculating property 'detector_exposure_id' using translator <class 'astro_metadata_translator.translators.ztf.ZTFTranslator'> and file /home/yu/wfst_data/ztf_try/ZTF/raw/all/raw/20210804/ztf_20210804364132/raw_ZTF_ZTF_r_ztf_20210804364132_43_ZTF_raw_all.fits: 'FILENAME not found'
But if I can ingest the data, why this warning happen?
Only normal if I modify the hdu to “0”.
def readMetadata(self):
fitsData = lsst.afw.fits.Fits(self.fileDescriptor.location.path, 'r')
metadata = fitsData.readMetadata()
return metadata
And the result is
characterizeImage.detection INFO: Detected 6441 positive peaks in 2287 footprints and 0 negative peaks in 0 footprints to 100 sigma
characterizeImage.detection INFO: Resubtracting the background after object detection
characterizeImage.measurement INFO: Measuring 2287 sources (2287 parents, 0 children)
characterizeImage.measurePsf INFO: Measuring PSF
characterizeImage.measurePsf INFO: PSF star selector found 3 candidates
characterizeImage.measurePsf.reserve INFO: Reserved 0/3 sources
characterizeImage.measurePsf INFO: Sending 3 candidates to PSF determiner
characterizeImage.measurePsf.psfDeterminer WARNING: NOT scaling kernelSize by stellar quadrupole moment, but using absolute value
> WARNING: 1st context group-degree lowered (not enough samples)
> WARNING: 1st context group removed (not enough samples)
characterizeImage.measurePsf INFO: PSF determination using 3/3 stars.
py.warnings WARNING: /home/yu/lsst_stack/23.0.1/stack/miniconda3-py38_4.9.2-0.8.1/Linux64/pipe_tasks/gf1799c5b72+6048f86b6d/python/lsst/pipe/tasks/characterizeImage.py:495: FutureWarning: Default position argument overload is deprecated and will be removed in version 24.0. Please explicitly specify a position.
psfSigma = psf.computeShape().getDeterminantRadius()
ctrl.mpexec.singleQuantumExecutor ERROR: Execution of task 'characterizeImage' on quantum {instrument: 'ZTF', detector: 43, visit: 20210804, ...} failed. Exception InvalidParameterError:
File "src/PsfexPsf.cc", line 233, in virtual std::shared_ptr<lsst::afw::image::Image<double> > lsst::meas::extensions::psfex::PsfexPsf::_doComputeImage(const Point2D&, const lsst::afw::image::Color&, const Point2D&) const
Only spatial variation (ndim == 2) is supported; saw 0 {0}
lsst::pex::exceptions::InvalidParameterError: 'Only spatial variation (ndim == 2) is supported; saw 0'
At least, it begins to work, I will read the task’config class to figure out the above error.
My question is, why these warnings happen?
astro_metadata_translator.observationInfo WARNING: Ignoring Error calculating property 'dark_time' using translator <class 'astro_metadata_translator.translators.ztf.ZTFTranslator'> and file /home/yu/wfst_data/ztf_try/ZTF/raw/all/raw/20210804/ztf_20210804364132/raw_ZTF_ZTF_r_ztf_20210804364132_43_ZTF_raw_all.fits: "Could not find ['EXPTIME'] in header"
astro_metadata_translator.observationInfo WARNING: Ignoring Error calculating property 'datetime_end' using translator <class 'astro_metadata_translator.translators.ztf.ZTFTranslator'> and file /home/yu/wfst_data/ztf_try/ZTF/raw/all/raw/20210804/ztf_20210804364132
the exptime
indeed only exists in extension 0 and not in extension 1 for ZTF.
But why DECam only read the extension ralated to that CCDs(I didn’t find it read the extension 0 and the structure of DECam is extension 0 for the primary header and tens of extensions for image, and there are lots of header key that used in DECamTranslator
only exist in 0 extension ) but without the warning like ZTF? for example:
Input In [75], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 DECam_raw[1].header['EXPTIME']
KeyError: "Keyword 'EXPTIME' not found."
It may related to how the rawformatted
I have not know. Looks like it will be convenient if we set the fits like HSC
( one fits one extension) 
Thank you!