Proposed New Category in Science: "Early Science"

Name: “Early Science” (proposed to be a sub-category of “Science”)

Motivation : The science community is already thinking about and making plans for science with LSST data during the first year of operations, and these efforts are gaining momentum. There is not currently a dedicated area on for people to discuss early science, which is distinct from commissioning (which is its own category). The Rubin Observatory pre-operations teams wants to stimulate more discussion on early LSST science and this category will help with that.

“About the Early Science category” Topic text: For technical and scientific discussions related to planning for early science in the first year of LSST operations.Everyone should feel welcome to participate by posting new Topics and threaded replies about alerts and brokers.
[Followed by the “new to community” content in all “About the …” topics.]

The default security settings will be adequate for this category (i.e, publicly visible, and any logged-in user can make new topics and replies).

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Excellent idea

:+1:t2: New “Early Science” category is ready.