Rubin-Euclid Derived Data Products (DDP) - Initial Recommendations

Dear colleagues,

The report by the Rubin-Euclid Derived Data Products (DDP) Working Group on behalf of the DDP community is now available on the arXiv, co-authored by those of you who helped us bring this extended effort to fruition (the report has its own DOI for referencing): [2201.03862] Rubin-Euclid Derived Data Products: Initial Recommendations

The report is 78 pages long: the first 14 pages give an overview and you can then consult the independent science sections of interest to you (10 + survey optimization). For those really short on time, there is a 1-page executive summary!

We are thrilled by the outcome of this joint effort that spanned 2021 and brought a remarkably rich science driven collection of ideas for derived products based on joint pixel processing. The proposed DDPs touch on all science themes of both Rubin and Euclid. We warmly thank the Euclid Consortium and the Rubin-LSST Community members who committed time and effort to develop and share their ideas.

You might wonder what happens next? This is covered in the last three lines of the DDP charter that describes the charge that was given to the DDP working group back in 2020:

“DDP creation: The DDP-WG reports to and recommends DDPs to the ECB and Vera Rubin Observatory Director for approval. If approved, the respective consortia will then have to come to an eventual agreement about where, by whom, on what time scale, how, and with what funding the DDPs will be created.”

To be continued!

Leanne and Jean-Charles on behalf of the DDP working group

Dear colleagues,

A new version, V1.1, of the [2201.03862] Rubin-Euclid Derived Data Products: Initial Recommendations ECB) was released last week. This minor update incorporates feedback from the Euclid Consortium Board and approved by Rubin Observatory. A changelog can be found here