Simulated Alert Stream?

The Lasair Broker would like to prototype data handling at full bandwidth. Certainly we have the terabyte of simulated LSST alerts (*) , and we have put that into our own Kafka nodes. But that doesn’t test the long-distance connections. It would be great to have a stream from Rubin at full bandwidth – no matter what the actual data content. Is there anything like that coming along?

(*) GitHub - lsst-dm/sample_alert_info: Release notes for sample Rubin Observatory alert packets

Hi Roy,

Yes, we still plan to provide that stream. We currently have a Kafka broker and schema registry running at the IDF, and with simulated alerts, but external access isn’t fully set up just yet.

I hope to create client credentials and distribute them to brokers some time in the next few weeks. There’s a bit more work to be done to make it possible to connect, and especially to document the system.

Is this system still running even though Spencer has gone? We want to work with it again.

It has been offline since about March but we’re standing it back up again now–stay tuned.

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