Solar System Science Collaboration (SSSC) May 2018 Update

A brief update of SSSC (Solar System Science Collaboration) happenings over the past month. A more detailed version will be sent out on the SSSC listserv.

LSST Solar System database schema - We are soliciting input from the SSSC on what are the vital values and information that should be reported in the LSST alert stream and also in the stored in the LSST Solar System database schema. A poll has been sent on the SSSC listserv.

Drafting a publication policy/recommended guidelines proposal - Now that we have the feedback from the SSSC on a future publication policy/recommended guidelines, we would like to form a small committee to draft up a proposed set of guidelines for the SSSC to consider adopting. We’re looking for SSSC members interested in serving on this committee

LSST Alert Stream - Eric Bellm gave a talk at the joint project science team science collaboration chairs call on LSST alert stream. The slides and video are online

SSSC Readiness Sprint - The Sprint will be July 10-12, 2018 at the University of Washington in Seattle. 22 people were invited to attend the sprint (all those who signed up). Travel funding has been awarded.

SSSC Roadmap Next Steps -The working groups leads are continuing on with the next batch of quantitative measures for additional bullet points in the science roadmap. Please keep an eye for those emails in your inboxes.

How to Reference and Cite LSST Project Papers in Science Publications - We’ve added a link to the SSSC website Important Docs page with the LSST project github repo that lists all the papers to cite including LSST description papers and what to reference if using Opsim and other project-developed software/products.

LSST Overview paper - latest version was released last week. It can be found online here.