Solar System Science Collaboration (SSSC) October 2018 Update

A brief update of SSSC (Solar System Science Collaboration) happenings over the past month. A more detailed version will be sent out on the SSSC listserv.

DPS SSSC Workshop - the annual SSSC meeting at DPS has been scheduled for Wednesday October 24 2018, 4:30-6:00 pm (Room 301 D-E). It is open to all DPS attendees, including non-SSSC members. We aim to record the talks and share the video and slides afterwards. Final Agenda:

DPS LSST Solar System Hackathon - Thursday October 25th 4:00-7:30pm (Room 200 B-C)- To prepare for future survey cadence decisions and ensure that interesting and novel Solar System science is achievable with LSST, the SSSC is organizing a Hackathon at DPS. The aim is spend several hours working intensively on collaborative projects related to community preparations for when LSST turns on. Come ready with a project idea or join someone’s pitched project. Please register at to reserve a spot.

LSST Solar System Database Schema - final feedback comments were sent to Mario. Most requested values were added to the schema.

1st LSST Solar System Readiness Sprint Talks are available online:

SSSC JupyterHub: A JupyterHub instance configured to run remote Jupyter notebooks with a full complement of the LSST software (including MAF), SSO-related software (e.g., OpenOrb), and the Anaconda Python Distribution is now available. Anyone in the SSSC is welcome to use it for LSST SSSC-related studies. We hope it will be useful in developing metrics and studies in support of the cadence white-papers. The notebooks run on a shared 16-core, 128GB RAM machine. If you find this service useful, we’d be grateful if you acknowledged its use in publications with the following text: “Elements of this work were enabled by the Solar System JupyterHub service at the University of Washington’s DIRAC Institute (”

Conference Announcement: Hot-wiring the Transient Universe VI conference - Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, - August 19 - 22, 2019 (