Solar System Science Collaboration (SSSC) October Update

A brief update of SSSC (Solar System Science Collaboration) happenings over the past month. A more detailed version will be sent out on the SSSC listserv.

DPS SSSC Workshop (LSST and the Solar System)- the annual SSSC meeting at DPS has been scheduled for Thursday October 19 2017, 4:30-6:30 pm in Cascade E (Utah Valley Convention Center). It is open to all DPS attendees, including non-SSSC members. The agenda for the workshop can be found here. We’re planning on sending the slide decks and a summary for those who can’t make the workshop.

SSSC Code of Conduct - The SSSC Code of Conduct was adopted. All SSSC members current and future are expected to read and abide by the code of conduct, which can be found here.

Barycentric vs Heliocentric Orbital Parameters for LSST Solar System data products - The feedback has been given to Data Management, and their looking into the options LSST can support given the desire to have both if possible and split preferences if only one can be provided.

Science Roadmap- the working groups leads are working on gathering top science priorities for the roadmap. They’ve been tasked with creating a ranked list for those priorities already gathered from their working groups. We aim to present a preliminary list for each working group at the DPS workshop.

LSST 2017 Project Community meeting - video of the plenary talks was released online . All slide decks of presentations from the meeting are available online (you need to login in and then click on the session)

Updates to SSSC website - We’ve updated the Data Products and Software pages of the SSSC Website (