Solar System Science Collaboration (SSSC) September Update

A brief update of SSSC (Solar System Science Collaboration) happenings over the past month. A more detailed version was sent out on the SSSC listserv

Status of LSST MOPS (Moving Object Pipeline System)- Mario Jurić gave an update on MOPS development plans on August 9th. Video can be found here and the slide deck can be found here.

Code of Conduct - based on recommendations from a recent study on sexism and racism in astronomy and planetary science, we drafted a SSSC Code of Conduct and asked for feedback. Thanks to those that shared their thoughts. We are now asking for a vote by the full SSSC in September on whether to formally adopt the proposed Code of Conduct.

Barycentric vs Heliocentric Orbital Parameters for LSST Solar System data products - Mario would like feedback on what reference frame orbital parameters should be outputted from MOPS and in LSST catalogs. We are soliciting feedback from the SSSC members during September (more details in the SSSC September update email)

LSST Cadence White Paper - The LSST Cadence White Paper was published on astro-ph in August. Many thanks to David and Lynne who wrote the Solar System chapter. This is the first version of the cadence white paper, and we expect there will be significant updates once we have the SSSC science roadmap completed and develop success metrics to test with the survey simulator.

DPS SSSC Workshop - the annual SSSC meeting at DPS has been scheduled for Thursday October 19 2017, 4:30-6:30 pm. It is open to all DPS attendees, including non-SSSC members. We’ll be working on the meeting agenda this month. There will be updates on MOPs and more discussion about the LSST Solar System data products.

Presentations to the Science Collaborations Chairs - All the slides and video when available from the monthly science collaboration chairs call with the Project Science team are available at