Users Committee Meeting, Mon Nov 13 2023, 8am Pacific

Updated: Fri Nov 10 to add agenda topics.

The Rubin Users Committee’s 23B meeting will be held on Mon Nov 13 from 8am to 10am Pacific (2023-11-13T16:00:00Z).

The first hour will be presentations and discussion that is open for anyone to join. The second hour will be private discussion for the UC and work on the 23B report.

Meeting Connection Info:

Meeting Agenda: Reply in thread to suggest additional topics for discussion.

  • future UC meeting planning
  • two-year terms have been fulfilled
  • UC-led outreach to users (ask-me-anything emails)
  • RSP team messages + Q&A time
  • timeline for early science + Q&A time
  • reports from other centers (from the 23A report)
  • DP0.3 resources (if there is extra time)

UC Minutes and Reports are posted in the Science category of the Rubin Community Forum with the tag #users-committee.

More Info:

My apologies for forgetting to start recording during today’s UC meeting.

Discussion Notes

1. Future UC meetings – The plan going forward will be to set meeting dates in advance for 2024, aiming for a Monday in early May and November (to be proposed to the UC soon), and to keep the 2-hour meeting format but advertise the first 30 minutes as reserved as a user listening session where users are encouraged to bring forth their questions and concerns to the committee.

2. UC-led outreach to users – The plan is to go forward with the UC sending ask-me-anything emails in the next couple of weeks.

3. RSP team messages – Frossie and Gregory provided a nice update of recent upgrades for Rubin Science Platform infrastructure, and a new user interface element that allows users to browse and search table contents by row in the Portal results viewer. A list highlighting upcoming work to evolve the services and enable the analysis of usage data was also provided. Thank you Frossie and Gregory!

4. Timeline updates – The UC was reminded that the timeline for Rubin early science has been updated and is available on the Early Science webpage and in Rubin Tech Note RTN-011. This timeline includes the coming Data Previews based on commissioning data, the ramp-up of alert production, the start of the LSST, and the first annual Data Releases.

Then the UC went into a closed session to begin preparation of their 23B report.

Additional notes from today’s meeting are welcome as reply posts in this topic thread.