Rubin Observatory Users Committee
Report from 2023B meeting (13 Nov 2023)
As in previous reports, we congratulate the Rubin Team on their continued efforts and success with engaging the user community. Overall, the team is very responsive to the users and is very motivated to continue to improve the systems that support the user experience.
The UC is generally quite happy with the responses from the Rubin team to the findings in the report from our 2023A meeting. We understand that Rubin must prioritize its effort. Although we accept that is and will continue to be the primary communication mechanism, we still feel that Slack is a valuable communication channel that already has significant community buy-in. It is worth keeping in mind as an option.
The UC has a number requests regarding its meetings:
The meeting dates should be established well in advance. To facilitate more participation, one of the meetings could be scheduled during the window when the difference between European time and US Pacific time is only 8 hours.
We suggest asking users, not just Project members, to speak / present at the meetings.
The consensus is that the 2024 UC meetings should be two hours long with a 30 minute dedicated “listening session” during which the UC hears from users. The listening sessions could be in separate meetings.
The initial 2 year term for UC members is up. We suggest that some of the members be asked to serve another year or two, to allow for continuity.
- The UC discussed ways to increase interaction with the Rubin user community. We opted to directly and individually email a subset of the DP0 delegates to request their input and feedback. We have received a number of responses, will collate and condense them, and communicate the results to the Rubin team.