Verification Datasets meeting
Attendees: Mario, Zeljko, MWV, Colin, Hsin-Fang, Swinbank, RHL, Simon
Notetaker: David
- rescale noise/variance plane
- what’s the status of the noise plane, Colin won’t persue this, Frank could look at tech notes
- correlated noise, some features that look like crosstalk issues, but still needs to investigate more
Joachim has MOPS things running
compilation on linux still an issue
work through problematic linkages
false positives, no KPM, a metric in OSS, want less than 1000 deg^2 to get MOPS running
are happy with this in the short term for NASA and NEOs, but not for the long term -
David: multi-threaded, multi-process?
Mario: MOPS has lots of knobs, need to understand it first,
can process 1 month of simulated LSST observations on laptop in a few days, independent linkages for 2 week blocks, should parallalize well, not that computationally challenging -
Colin: noise floor is ~34 per deg^2, we are 10x that now, but some could be real
Mario: talking to JPL counterparts on Thursday, generating catalogs for them soon
- no update, just getting ready for JTM
working on tech note,
validate_drp, adding capabilities
output kpm metrics to file
David should review multifilter matching capability
PA1, PA2, photometry repeatability
AM1, AM2, astrometric repeatability -
run on CFHT and DECam COSMOS on validation data
runs fine, DECam CP results are not good -
looking at ci_hsc using scons
Frossie: are people capturing their verification work in JIRA? Colin, Hsin-Fang?
Hsin-Fang sends things to Margaret,
Colin hasn’t been tracking things in JIRA, Mario has been sending reports to Jeff
Frossie encourages people to track things in JIRA the way MWV has been doing -
MWV: two exposures are good enough to measure the KPMs, can do larger exposure too.
- working on other stuff last week
- figure out what’s next on her place at JTM
- nothing to update
- waiting for data from DECam calibration run
Angelo: (not present, brief update given by David)
- working on QA database and visualization
- LIneA work
- doing a bunch of SMASH work, reduction, matching and calibrating data
- updating script to measure and collate metrics for a data repository
- CR issues, correlate strongly with background level, many CRs not being detected/masked
- RHL: straight ones - muon, worms - electrons
- program to create subtracted image, RHL has code to do this
- RHL surprised at how bad this is, much better on HSC side
- shouldn’t have to tune any config parameters
- seeing looks fine
- RHL and David will work on figuring out what’s going on with CR code on this data
twinkles, starting to run input catalogs, have that done by tomorrow
for March meeting, single-simulated central chip, deep drilling, all bands, once per night for entire survey, 1800 images, using OpSim, lowest airmass observation per band every night
variability built in, SNe, 100 5 sigma detections per visit, standard AGN variability
some implanted multi images for lensed galaxies,
this chip happens to not have any RR Lyrae
have simulated images done by March
turned off airglow variations and clouds
saturation, CRs are on, B/F off, nonlinearity turned off, no ghosts
semi-idealized situation
MWV: what outputs are you planning on analyzing?
Simon: no firm plans, hope the Twinkles team should help figure out what to do with the outputs
Simon will ask Andy C. about the DM simulated data needs
processCcd rewrite update
nothing will be merged with a regression
probably a catalog problem
matcher is fragile
works fine in DECam, HSC, has some issues on CFHT
- expect some differences when doing large refactoring
- take advantage of Dominique’s
- be useful to have list of tests they are doing
Simon: make these debugging/QA acitivities “first class” activities that are scheduled
Frossie: please capture this work
RHL: use debug options, for post-mortem use ipython notebooks
Colin: where should ipython notebooks go?
Frossie: have an answer by next meeting
Colin/RHL: currently putting ipython notebooks on personal github account
RHL: are we using the same stars for the matching, different matching radius
MWV, could deblending be causing problems
RHL, normally deblending should improve things