Verification Datasets meeting
Attendees: Angelo, David, Frossie, Colin, Hsin-Fang, Mario, Zeljko, Francisco, John Swinbank, Lupton, Simon
Notetaker: David
- nothing on DECam
- probably not working on verification datasets for a while
- not much work with actual data
- pass DIA sources to MOPS
- some correlated DIA sources (e.g. diffraction spikes), not sure what to do about it yet, just try MOPS
- False Positive Rates in the LSST Image Differencing Pipeline (
- Joachim working on running MOPS
- probably won’t be able to attend these calls as much as in the past
- twinkles update:
- running phosim at NIRSC
- long tail in the runtimes, some timing out at 5 days, moon adds a lot to sky brightness
- a dozen or so frames through stack, MWV will look to see if they are reasonable
- run 1, visit per night per any filters that are available, 1200 individual visits, reduce/coadd/forcedphot
- DESC meeting next week, hoping hundreds run through by then, need to fix moon issue
couple of weeks once the moon is fixed, processing through stack quite quick and straightforward
- looking at upgrades to validation_drp
- CFHT, DECam, HSC, full focal planes
- ci_hsc now running, almost nightly
- coadd and deep detection on HSC
- starting to process twinkles data, some issues with obs_lsstsim master that he+simon are working on
- Introducing validate_drp: Calculate SRD Key Performance Metrics for an output repository (
- nothing to report on this
- didn’t get time for HiTS for this semester, focus on getting papers out
- stopped working on astrometry issues with image differencing
- polynomial fits as good as using CP WCS
- QA visualization, two tech notes in progress:
- SQUASH QA Database (
- SQUASH dashboard prototype (
- working on ingesting QA metric results into a database
- was at “Globular Cluster and Galaxy Halos” conference in Netherlands
- rerunning COSMOS with SDSS DR9 reference catalogs to get good magnitude zero points
- discussion about crowded field photometry codes, maybe use DAOPHOT as a stop-gap solution
MWV: looking at Lauren and Paul’s comparison code