Verification Datasets Meeting
Attendees: David, Darko, John Swinbank, Francicso, Frossie (many people at DESC meeting)
Regrets: Simon, Angelo
Notetaker: David
- conflicting simulation meeting Wed 10am PT
- David: maybe look for a different verification datasets meeting time
- running COSMOS data through stack using SDSS for photometric/astrometric reference catalog
- finished running, now matching up the sources and will then make new plots on photometric and astrometric precision using the multiple visits of the field
John Swinbank:
- final stages of HSC fork, run HSC data through the LSST stack, Bob Armstrong
HSC and LSST stack side-by-side
actively in progress, hoping will be done in a week or two - David: could there be something that lets the rest of us know about the newly added functionality?
- maybe, K-T boot camp idea could help with this
- Frossie, maybe a ~45 talk?
- maybe a talk if boot camp doesn’t cover this
- lots of good information in John’s HSC merge release notes
- student having stack installation problems, conda install
- DM-5178, Tim and Josh looking at this