Volunteers needed: "Rubin Research Bytes" moderators for PCW 2021

We need volunteers to moderate the “Rubin Research Bytes” (flash talks) breakout rooms on 2021-08-10T17:30:00Z.

See this page in the PCW website for the list of breakout room topics in need of moderators: Rubin Research Bytes | Project & Community Workshop

Reply to this topic or direct message @MelissaGraham to volunteer.

Thank you!!

What is a Rubin Research Byte (RRB)? An RRB is a 3 minute flash talk on Rubin-related scientific research, engineering, or software. The 60-minute RRB session will have 8 breakout rooms with 4-5 speakers and 2 moderators per room. Each speaker will give their 3 minute flash talk, and then there will be 10 minutes for panel-style Q&A at the end. At the 28-minute mark, the audience will switch breakout rooms while speakers and moderators stay in the same room and repeat the talks and Q&A for a new audience. Thus, all speakers give their talk twice, and all audience members see a total of 8-10 flash talks.

Instructions for moderators: There will be two moderators per breakout room. Moderator One will screen-share the slide deck, advance the slides, and keep time, enforcing the 3 minute limit when necessary. Moderator Two will welcome attendees, instruct them to type their questions into the Zoom chat while the speakers are talking, and then select questions in a way that gives time to all the speakers (e.g., prioritize questions ‘for the panel’ that all speakers could answer, or try to pick one question per speaker). One of the two must volunteer to record the breakout room, save the file to their computer, and afterwards upload the file to a Dropbox (to be provided).

I can help in any capacity needed.

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Update: we have all the volunteers we need now!