Access to Prompt catalogue

I am interested in time series astrometric data for research on exoplanets. The most obvious table for my use is diaObject which is produced during the Prompt pipeline processing. Am I able to access the appropriate catalogue during DP0 and will I be able to access it when LSST is operational?

diaObject catalog is accessible to all who have data rights and account on Rubin Science Platform. If you have this, you should see this table.

The goal of DP0 is to allow users to prepare for the science by writing code on simulated data. Once, when real data become available, your code should work (we’ll probably just need to change the database prefix, but the schema should be the same).

To @j.aleksic’s answer I can add that the Data Preview 0 diaObject catalog is analogous to the future annual Data Release diaObject catalog, in that it is generated once by the Data Release processing pipeline and does not change after release.

In the future there will also be a diaObject catalog that results from the nightly Prompt processing pipeline, which will not be static, but rather will be continually updated within 24h of new observations.

The two diaObject catalogs would have the same schema.