Hi all,
I already reduced a set of DECam images using the steps from the Merian Data Processing guide
I now want to include new observations and sets of calibrations and am getting an error. I ingested the new raw data, and made the master bias (output to ‘DECam/calib/jhernandez/bias/’), but at the moment of running the step of generating crosstalk sources I am getting
ValueError: Output CHAINED collection ‘DECam/calib/jhernandez/crosstalk’ exists, but it ends with a different sequence of input collections than those given: ‘DECam/calib/jhernandez/bias/20230619T195847Z’ != ‘DECam/raw/all’ in inputs=(‘DECam/raw/all’, ‘DECam/calib/jhernandez/bias/20230620T191020Z’, ‘DECam/calib/jhernandez/bias/20230619T195847Z’, ‘DECam/calib/jhernandez/bias/20230403T204634Z’, ‘DECam/calib/jhernandez/bias/20230330T133023Z’, ‘DECam/calib/curated/19700101T000000Z’, ‘DECam/calib/unbounded’) vs DECam/calib/jhernandez/crosstalk=(‘DECam/calib/jhernandez/crosstalk/20230410T001625Z’, ‘DECam/calib/jhernandez/crosstalk/20230410T000303Z’, ‘DECam/calib/jhernandez/crosstalk/20230410T000154Z’, ‘DECam/raw/all’, ‘DECam/calib/jhernandez/bias/20230403T204634Z’, ‘DECam/calib/jhernandez/bias/20230330T133023Z’, ‘DECam/calib/curated/19700101T000000Z’, ‘DECam/calib/unbounded’).
I am running exactly the same command as in the first run, in this case
pipetask --long-log run --register-dataset-types -j 12
-b $REPO --instrument lsst.obs.decam.DarkEnergyCamera
-i DECam/raw/all,DECam/calib/jhernandez/bias,DECam/calib/unbounded
-o DECam/calib/jhernandez/crosstalk
-p $DRP_PIPE_DIR/pipelines/DECam/DRP-Merian.yaml#step0
-d “instrument=‘DECam’ AND exposure IN $FLATEXPS” \
I imagine I have to do something different from when all is run for the first time, but I can’t figure out what.