I’m running the multiband on the emulated images, but I need to speed things up to do some debugging on the emulation part of the code.
Is there a way to ask the tasks to compute the photometry on a reduced number of sources?
Back in the days, Steve Bickerton handed me a source code to retarget the “detection” part so that it would only run the photometry measurement on a reduced number of sources (see below), which is obviously broken given the significant changes since then.
What (and how) should I retarget now to do similar things?
import random
import lsst.pex.config as pexConfig
import lsst.pipe.base as pipeBase
import lsst.afw.table as afwTable
import lsst.meas.algorithms as measAlg
class FewerSourceDetectionConfig(measAlg.SourceDetectionConfig):
nObjects = pexConfig.Field(doc="Number of sources to select", dtype=int, optional=False, default=200)
class FewerSourceDetectionTask(measAlg.SourceDetectionTask):
"""This task serves only to cull the source list and make measurement faster"""
ConfigClass = FewerSourceDetectionConfig
def makeSourceCatalog(self, table, exposure, doSmooth=True, sigma=None, clearMask=True):
if self.negativeFlagKey is not None and self.negativeFlagKey not in table.getSchema():
raise ValueError("Table has incorrect Schema")
# detect the footprints as usual
fpSets = self.detectFootprints(exposure=exposure, doSmooth=doSmooth, sigma=sigma,
# shuffle the footprints to ensure they're random across the frame
n = self.config.nObjects
fpPos = fpSets.positive.getFootprints()
# delete the excess footprints, and the negative footprints
del fpPos[n:]
fpSets.numPos = n
if fpSets.negative:
del fpSets.negative.getFootprints()[0:]
fpSets.negative = None
# make sources
sources = afwTable.SourceCatalog(table)
if fpSets.positive:
return pipeBase.Struct(sources=sources, fpSets=fpSets)
It looks like a good approach, but I expect you’re hitting some problems when calling the retargeted code. You should be able to work around it quite easily by simply passing the new arguments along:
import lsst.pex.config as pexConfig
import lsst.pipe.tasks as pipeTask
class FewerMergeDetectionsConfig(pipeTask.multiBand.MergeDetectionsConfig):
nObjects = pexConfig.Field(doc="Number of sources to select", dtype=int, optional=False, default=200)
class FewerMergeDetectionsTask(pipeTask.multiBand.MergeDetectionsTask):
"""This task serves only to cull the source list and make measurement faster"""
ConfigClass = FewerMergeDetectionsConfig
def mergeCatalogs(self, catalogs, patchRef):
\brief Merge multiple catalogs.
After ordering the catalogs and filters in priority order,
\ref getMergedSourceCatalog of the \ref FootprintMergeList_ "FootprintMergeList" created by
\ref \_\_init\_\_ is used to perform the actual merging. Finally, \ref cullPeaks is used to remove
garbage peaks detected around bright objects.
\param[in] catalogs
\param[in] patchRef
\param[out] mergedList
# Convert distance to tract coordinate
skyInfo = getSkyInfo(coaddName=self.config.coaddName, patchRef=patchRef)
tractWcs = skyInfo.wcs
peakDistance = self.config.minNewPeak / tractWcs.getPixelScale().asArcseconds()
samePeakDistance = self.config.maxSamePeak / tractWcs.getPixelScale().asArcseconds()
# Put catalogs, filters in priority order
orderedCatalogs = [catalogs[band] for band in self.config.priorityList if band in catalogs.keys()]
orderedBands = [getShortFilterName(band) for band in self.config.priorityList
if band in catalogs.keys()]
mergedList = self.merged.getMergedSourceCatalog(orderedCatalogs, orderedBands, peakDistance,
self.schema, self.makeIdFactory(patchRef),
# Add extra sources that correspond to blank sky
skySeed = patchRef.get(self.config.coaddName + "MergedCoaddId")
skySourceFootprints = self.getSkySourceFootprints(mergedList, skyInfo, skySeed)
if skySourceFootprints:
key = mergedList.schema.find("merge_footprint_%s" % self.config.skyFilterName).key
for foot in skySourceFootprints:
s = mergedList.addNew()
s.set(key, True)
# numpy.random.seed(seed=20091982)
n = 100
self.log.info("DEBUGGING: Keep {} sources".format(n))
# mergedList = numpy.random.shuffle(mergedList)
mergedList = mergedList[:n]
# Sort Peaks from brightest to faintest
for record in mergedList:
self.log.info("Merged to %d sources" % len(mergedList))
# Attempt to remove garbage peaks
return mergedList
When I run mergeCoaddDetections.py like that, I get:
mergeCoaddDetections.py: error: cannot load config file 'mergeConfig.py': 'MergeDetectionsConfig' object has no attribute 'mergeCoaddDetections'
Which makes sense: there’s no mergeCoaddDetections field in the MergeDetectionsConfig. Another way of saying that is that you can’t override the top-level Task.
Did you mean to run this under multibandDriver.py?
to create a parent task that would call mergeCoaddDetection as a ConfigurableField
or apply the redirection when calling multibandDriver.py
For 2) it seems to work (just need to fix your previous command to (config.mergeCoaddDetections.retarget(mergeFewer.FewerMergeDetectionsTask) but I get this error which I think means that I need to load some additional stuff in the FewerMergeDetections script:
KeyError: "Field with name 'merge_peak_i2' not found"
it seems it’s not so simple in the end: the full error tree below suggests some schema is missing. Looking at multibandDriver.py, it looks like it has to do with the schema being loaded during the init.
Any idea?
File "/Users/coupon/local/source/hscPipe6/stack/miniconda3-4.3.21-10a4fa6/DarwinX86/pipe_drivers/6.1.1-hsc+7/bin/multiBandDriver.py", line 3, in <module>
File "/Users/coupon/local/source/hscPipe6/stack/miniconda3-4.3.21-10a4fa6/DarwinX86/ctrl_pool/6.0-hsc+2/python/lsst/ctrl/pool/parallel.py", line 442, in parseAndSubmit
if not cls.RunnerClass(cls, batchArgs.parent).precall(batchArgs.parent): # Write config, schema
File "/Users/coupon/local/source/hscPipe6/stack/miniconda3-4.3.21-10a4fa6/DarwinX86/pipe_base/6.0-hsc+2/python/lsst/pipe/base/cmdLineTask.py", line 347, in precall
task = self.makeTask(parsedCmd=parsedCmd)
File "/Users/coupon/local/source/hscPipe6/stack/miniconda3-4.3.21-10a4fa6/DarwinX86/pipe_drivers/6.1.1-hsc+7/python/lsst/pipe/drivers/multiBandDriver.py", line 131, in makeTask
return self.TaskClass(config=self.config, log=self.log, butler=butler, reuse=self.reuse)
File "/Users/coupon/local/source/hscPipe6/stack/miniconda3-4.3.21-10a4fa6/DarwinX86/pipe_drivers/6.1.1-hsc+7/python/lsst/pipe/drivers/multiBandDriver.py", line 168, in __init__
File "/Users/coupon/local/source/hscPipe6/stack/miniconda3-4.3.21-10a4fa6/DarwinX86/pipe_base/6.0-hsc+2/python/lsst/pipe/base/task.py", line 299, in makeSubtask
subtask = taskField.apply(name=name, parentTask=self, **keyArgs)
File "/Users/coupon/local/source/hscPipe6/stack/miniconda3-4.3.21-10a4fa6/DarwinX86/pex_config/6.0b1-hsc+9/python/lsst/pex/config/configurableField.py", line 83, in apply
return self.target(*args, config=self.value, **kw)
File "/Users/coupon/local/source/hscPipe6/stack/miniconda3-4.3.21-10a4fa6/DarwinX86/pipe_tasks/6.5.1-hsc+2/python/lsst/pipe/tasks/multiBand.py", line 1304, in __init__
peakKey = inputSchema.find("merge_peak_%s" % short).key
KeyError: "Field with name 'merge_peak_i2' not found"
When you retarget, the configuration overrides already applied are lost, so you need to explicitly load them back. Add to your mergeCoaddDetections_debug.py after the retarget:
import os
obsSubaru = os.environ["OBS_SUBARU_DIR"]
overrides = [os.path.join(obsSubaru, "config", "mergeCoaddDetections.py"),
os.path.join(obsSubaru, "config", "hsc", "mergeCoaddDetections.py"),
for filename in overrides:
if os.path.exists(filename):
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, "./python")
import mergeFewer
import os
obsSubaru = os.environ["OBS_SUBARU_DIR"]
overrides = [os.path.join(obsSubaru, "config", "mergeCoaddDetections.py"),
os.path.join(obsSubaru, "config", "hsc", "mergeCoaddDetections.py"),
for filename in overrides:
if os.path.exists(filename):
import lsst.pex.config as pexConfig
import lsst.pipe.tasks as pipeTask
from lsst.pipe.tasks.coaddBase import getSkyInfo
from lsst.pipe.tasks.multiBand import getShortFilterName
class FewerMergeDetectionsConfig(pipeTask.multiBand.MergeDetectionsConfig):
nObjects = pexConfig.Field(
doc="Number of sources to select",
dtype=int, optional=False, default=100)
class FewerMergeDetectionsTask(pipeTask.multiBand.MergeDetectionsTask):
"""This task serves only to cull the source list and make measurement faster"""
_DefaultName = "FewerMergeCoaddMeasurements"
ConfigClass = FewerMergeDetectionsConfig
def mergeCatalogs(self, catalogs, patchRef):
\brief Merge multiple catalogs.
After ordering the catalogs and filters in priority order,
\ref getMergedSourceCatalog of the \ref FootprintMergeList_ "FootprintMergeList" created by
\ref \_\_init\_\_ is used to perform the actual merging. Finally, \ref cullPeaks is used to remove
garbage peaks detected around bright objects.
\param[in] catalogs
\param[in] patchRef
\param[out] mergedList
# print("test")
# Convert distance to tract coordinate
skyInfo = getSkyInfo(coaddName=self.config.coaddName, patchRef=patchRef)
tractWcs = skyInfo.wcs
peakDistance = self.config.minNewPeak / tractWcs.getPixelScale().asArcseconds()
samePeakDistance = self.config.maxSamePeak / tractWcs.getPixelScale().asArcseconds()
# Put catalogs, filters in priority order
orderedCatalogs = [catalogs[band] for band in self.config.priorityList if band in catalogs.keys()]
orderedBands = [getShortFilterName(band) for band in self.config.priorityList
if band in catalogs.keys()]
mergedList = self.merged.getMergedSourceCatalog(orderedCatalogs, orderedBands, peakDistance,
self.schema, self.makeIdFactory(patchRef),
# Add extra sources that correspond to blank sky
skySeed = patchRef.get(self.config.coaddName + "MergedCoaddId")
skySourceFootprints = self.getSkySourceFootprints(mergedList, skyInfo, skySeed)
if skySourceFootprints:
key = mergedList.schema.find("merge_footprint_%s" % self.config.skyFilterName).key
for foot in skySourceFootprints:
s = mergedList.addNew()
s.set(key, True)
# pick only the first 100 merged sources
self.log.info("DEBUGGING: Keep {} sources".format(self.config.nObjects))
mergedList = mergedList[:self.config.nObjects]
# Sort Peaks from brightest to faintest
for record in mergedList:
self.log.info("Merged to %d sources" % len(mergedList))
# Attempt to remove garbage peaks
return mergedList