Debugging during multiband process

I’m running the multiband on the emulated images, but I need to speed things up to do some debugging on the emulation part of the code.

Is there a way to ask the tasks to compute the photometry on a reduced number of sources?

Back in the days, Steve Bickerton handed me a source code to retarget the “detection” part so that it would only run the photometry measurement on a reduced number of sources (see below), which is obviously broken given the significant changes since then.

What (and how) should I retarget now to do similar things?

import random
import lsst.pex.config as pexConfig
import lsst.pipe.base as pipeBase
import lsst.afw.table as afwTable
import lsst.meas.algorithms as measAlg

class FewerSourceDetectionConfig(measAlg.SourceDetectionConfig):
    nObjects = pexConfig.Field(doc="Number of sources to select", dtype=int, optional=False, default=200)

class FewerSourceDetectionTask(measAlg.SourceDetectionTask):
    """This task serves only to cull the source list and make measurement faster"""

    ConfigClass = FewerSourceDetectionConfig

    def makeSourceCatalog(self, table, exposure, doSmooth=True, sigma=None, clearMask=True):
        if self.negativeFlagKey is not None and self.negativeFlagKey not in table.getSchema():
            raise ValueError("Table has incorrect Schema")

        # detect the footprints as usual
        fpSets = self.detectFootprints(exposure=exposure, doSmooth=doSmooth, sigma=sigma,

        # shuffle the footprints to ensure they're random across the frame
        n = self.config.nObjects
        fpPos = fpSets.positive.getFootprints()

        # delete the excess footprints, and the negative footprints
        del fpPos[n:]
        fpSets.numPos = n
        if fpSets.negative:
            del fpSets.negative.getFootprints()[0:]
            fpSets.negative = None

        # make sources
        sources = afwTable.SourceCatalog(table)
        if fpSets.positive:

        return pipeBase.Struct(sources=sources, fpSets=fpSets)

It looks like a good approach, but I expect you’re hitting some problems when calling the retargeted code. You should be able to work around it quite easily by simply passing the new arguments along:

class FewerSourceDetectionTask(measAlg.SourceDetectionTask):
    def makeSourceCatalog(self, table, exposure, *args, **kwargs):
        fpSets = self.detectFootprints(exposure=exposure, *args, **kwargs)

ideally I’d like to cull sources at the merge step, but applying a similar algorithm as above to the merge task, I’m being said:

type object 'MergeDetectionsTask' has no attribute 'retarget'

not all tasks can be retargeted?

How do I know what ones can?

Can you give me instructions to reproduce the problem?

Command run: $ROOTDIR --rerun=multiband \
      --id tract=8524 patch=5,5 filter=HSC-R^HSC-I  \
      --clobber-config --no-versions \

import sys
sys.path.insert(0, "./python")
import mergeFewer

import lsst.pex.config as pexConfig

import lsst.pipe.tasks as pipeTask

class FewerMergeDetectionsConfig(pipeTask.multiBand.MergeDetectionsConfig):
    nObjects = pexConfig.Field(doc="Number of sources to select", dtype=int, optional=False, default=200)

class FewerMergeDetectionsTask(pipeTask.multiBand.MergeDetectionsTask):
    """This task serves only to cull the source list and make measurement faster"""

    ConfigClass = FewerMergeDetectionsConfig

    def mergeCatalogs(self, catalogs, patchRef):
        \brief Merge multiple catalogs.

        After ordering the catalogs and filters in priority order,
        \ref getMergedSourceCatalog of the \ref FootprintMergeList_ "FootprintMergeList" created by
        \ref \_\_init\_\_ is used to perform the actual merging. Finally, \ref cullPeaks is used to remove
        garbage peaks detected around bright objects.

        \param[in]  catalogs
        \param[in]  patchRef
        \param[out] mergedList

        # Convert distance to tract coordinate
        skyInfo = getSkyInfo(coaddName=self.config.coaddName, patchRef=patchRef)
        tractWcs = skyInfo.wcs
        peakDistance = self.config.minNewPeak / tractWcs.getPixelScale().asArcseconds()
        samePeakDistance = self.config.maxSamePeak / tractWcs.getPixelScale().asArcseconds()

        # Put catalogs, filters in priority order
        orderedCatalogs = [catalogs[band] for band in self.config.priorityList if band in catalogs.keys()]
        orderedBands = [getShortFilterName(band) for band in self.config.priorityList
                        if band in catalogs.keys()]

        mergedList = self.merged.getMergedSourceCatalog(orderedCatalogs, orderedBands, peakDistance,
                                                        self.schema, self.makeIdFactory(patchRef),

        # Add extra sources that correspond to blank sky
        skySeed = patchRef.get(self.config.coaddName + "MergedCoaddId")
        skySourceFootprints = self.getSkySourceFootprints(mergedList, skyInfo, skySeed)
        if skySourceFootprints:
            key = mergedList.schema.find("merge_footprint_%s" % self.config.skyFilterName).key
            for foot in skySourceFootprints:
                s = mergedList.addNew()
                s.set(key, True)

        # DEBUGGING_JC
        # numpy.random.seed(seed=20091982)
        n = 100"DEBUGGING: Keep {} sources".format(n))
        # mergedList = numpy.random.shuffle(mergedList)
        mergedList = mergedList[:n]

        # Sort Peaks from brightest to faintest
        for record in mergedList:
            record.getFootprint().sortPeaks()"Merged to %d sources" % len(mergedList))
        # Attempt to remove garbage peaks
        return mergedList

When I run like that, I get: error: cannot load config file '': 'MergeDetectionsConfig' object has no attribute 'mergeCoaddDetections'

Which makes sense: there’s no mergeCoaddDetections field in the MergeDetectionsConfig. Another way of saying that is that you can’t override the top-level Task.

Did you mean to run this under

right, sorry it should have been:

from lsst.pipe.tasks.multiBand import MergeDetectionsTask

That’s your problem right there. You can’t retarget a Task. You can retarget a ConfigurableField in the config:


So - if I understand correctly - I would need

  1. to create a parent task that would call mergeCoaddDetection as a ConfigurableField
  2. or apply the redirection when calling

For 2) it seems to work (just need to fix your previous command to (config.mergeCoaddDetections.retarget(mergeFewer.FewerMergeDetectionsTask) but I get this error which I think means that I need to load some additional stuff in the FewerMergeDetections script:

KeyError: "Field with name 'merge_peak_i2' not found"

it seems it’s not so simple in the end: the full error tree below suggests some schema is missing. Looking at, it looks like it has to do with the schema being loaded during the init.

Any idea?

  File "/Users/coupon/local/source/hscPipe6/stack/miniconda3-4.3.21-10a4fa6/DarwinX86/pipe_drivers/6.1.1-hsc+7/bin/", line 3, in <module>
  File "/Users/coupon/local/source/hscPipe6/stack/miniconda3-4.3.21-10a4fa6/DarwinX86/ctrl_pool/6.0-hsc+2/python/lsst/ctrl/pool/", line 442, in parseAndSubmit
    if not cls.RunnerClass(cls, batchArgs.parent).precall(batchArgs.parent):  # Write config, schema
  File "/Users/coupon/local/source/hscPipe6/stack/miniconda3-4.3.21-10a4fa6/DarwinX86/pipe_base/6.0-hsc+2/python/lsst/pipe/base/", line 347, in precall
    task = self.makeTask(parsedCmd=parsedCmd)
  File "/Users/coupon/local/source/hscPipe6/stack/miniconda3-4.3.21-10a4fa6/DarwinX86/pipe_drivers/6.1.1-hsc+7/python/lsst/pipe/drivers/", line 131, in makeTask
    return self.TaskClass(config=self.config, log=self.log, butler=butler, reuse=self.reuse)
  File "/Users/coupon/local/source/hscPipe6/stack/miniconda3-4.3.21-10a4fa6/DarwinX86/pipe_drivers/6.1.1-hsc+7/python/lsst/pipe/drivers/", line 168, in __init__
  File "/Users/coupon/local/source/hscPipe6/stack/miniconda3-4.3.21-10a4fa6/DarwinX86/pipe_base/6.0-hsc+2/python/lsst/pipe/base/", line 299, in makeSubtask
    subtask = taskField.apply(name=name, parentTask=self, **keyArgs)
  File "/Users/coupon/local/source/hscPipe6/stack/miniconda3-4.3.21-10a4fa6/DarwinX86/pex_config/6.0b1-hsc+9/python/lsst/pex/config/", line 83, in apply
    return*args, config=self.value, **kw)
  File "/Users/coupon/local/source/hscPipe6/stack/miniconda3-4.3.21-10a4fa6/DarwinX86/pipe_tasks/6.5.1-hsc+2/python/lsst/pipe/tasks/", line 1304, in __init__
    peakKey = inputSchema.find("merge_peak_%s" % short).key
KeyError: "Field with name 'merge_peak_i2' not found"

When you retarget, the configuration overrides already applied are lost, so you need to explicitly load them back. Add to your after the retarget:

import os
obsSubaru = os.environ["OBS_SUBARU_DIR"]
overrides = [os.path.join(obsSubaru, "config", ""),
             os.path.join(obsSubaru, "config", "hsc", ""),
for filename in overrides:
    if os.path.exists(filename):

Fantastic ;). It works.

Below are the corrected codes:

import sys
sys.path.insert(0, "./python")

import mergeFewer


import os
obsSubaru = os.environ["OBS_SUBARU_DIR"]
overrides = [os.path.join(obsSubaru, "config", ""),
             os.path.join(obsSubaru, "config", "hsc", ""),
for filename in overrides:
    if os.path.exists(filename):

import lsst.pex.config as pexConfig
import lsst.pipe.tasks as pipeTask
from lsst.pipe.tasks.coaddBase import getSkyInfo
from lsst.pipe.tasks.multiBand import getShortFilterName

class FewerMergeDetectionsConfig(pipeTask.multiBand.MergeDetectionsConfig):
    nObjects = pexConfig.Field(
        doc="Number of sources to select",
        dtype=int, optional=False, default=100)

class FewerMergeDetectionsTask(pipeTask.multiBand.MergeDetectionsTask):
    """This task serves only to cull the source list and make measurement faster"""

    _DefaultName = "FewerMergeCoaddMeasurements"
    ConfigClass = FewerMergeDetectionsConfig

    def mergeCatalogs(self, catalogs, patchRef):
        \brief Merge multiple catalogs.

        After ordering the catalogs and filters in priority order,
        \ref getMergedSourceCatalog of the \ref FootprintMergeList_ "FootprintMergeList" created by
        \ref \_\_init\_\_ is used to perform the actual merging. Finally, \ref cullPeaks is used to remove
        garbage peaks detected around bright objects.

        \param[in]  catalogs
        \param[in]  patchRef
        \param[out] mergedList

        # print("test")

        # Convert distance to tract coordinate
        skyInfo = getSkyInfo(coaddName=self.config.coaddName, patchRef=patchRef)
        tractWcs = skyInfo.wcs
        peakDistance = self.config.minNewPeak / tractWcs.getPixelScale().asArcseconds()
        samePeakDistance = self.config.maxSamePeak / tractWcs.getPixelScale().asArcseconds()

        # Put catalogs, filters in priority order
        orderedCatalogs = [catalogs[band] for band in self.config.priorityList if band in catalogs.keys()]
        orderedBands = [getShortFilterName(band) for band in self.config.priorityList
                        if band in catalogs.keys()]

        mergedList = self.merged.getMergedSourceCatalog(orderedCatalogs, orderedBands, peakDistance,
                                                        self.schema, self.makeIdFactory(patchRef),

        # Add extra sources that correspond to blank sky
        skySeed = patchRef.get(self.config.coaddName + "MergedCoaddId")
        skySourceFootprints = self.getSkySourceFootprints(mergedList, skyInfo, skySeed)
        if skySourceFootprints:
            key = mergedList.schema.find("merge_footprint_%s" % self.config.skyFilterName).key
            for foot in skySourceFootprints:
                s = mergedList.addNew()
                s.set(key, True)

        # pick only the first 100 merged sources"DEBUGGING: Keep {} sources".format(self.config.nObjects))
        mergedList = mergedList[:self.config.nObjects]

        # Sort Peaks from brightest to faintest
        for record in mergedList:
            record.getFootprint().sortPeaks()"Merged to %d sources" % len(mergedList))
        # Attempt to remove garbage peaks
        return mergedList

The command line remains the same: $ROOTDIR --rerun=multiband \
    --id tract=8524 patch=5,5 filter=HSC-R^HSC-I  \
    --clobber-config --no-versions \
    --nodes 1 --procs 1 --do-exec \
    --config measureCoaddSources.doPropagateFlags=False \

1 Like

I think the command-line is, right?

you’re right. Previous post fixed.