We are attempting to process DECam data starting from raw files. We seem to process the data properly to the calexp phase. At this point, we make a skymap with
butler register-skymap -c name='Skymap_1' .
This command appears to run without error. We then generate templates with a command similar to
pipetask run -j30 --register-dataset-types -d "exposure IN ([LONG LIST OF EXPOSURES])" -b . -i skymaps,processed_data/calibrate -o processed_data/template_58576 -p yamls/coadd.yaml
where coadd.yaml
description: The AP template building pipeline specialized for DECam
# This pipeline assumes the working repo has raws, calibs, refcats, and a skymap.
# An example of running it:
# pipetask run -j 4
# -b REPO
# -d "exposure IN (289409, 289697, 288935)"
# -i DECam/raw/all,DECam/calib,DECam/calib/DM-26971,refcats/gen2,skymaps
# -o DECam/templates/test1
# -p APTemplate.yaml --register-dataset-types
instrument: lsst.obs.decam.DarkEnergyCamera
class: lsst.pipe.tasks.makeCoaddTempExp.MakeWarpTask
makePsfMatched: true
doWriteEmptyWarps: true
class: lsst.pipe.tasks.assembleCoadd.CompareWarpAssembleCoaddTask
doInputMap: true
Then, when we try to run image differencing with
pipetask run -j30 --register-dataset-types -d "exposure IN ([DIFFERENT LONG LIST OF EXPOSURES])" -b . -i skymaps,processed_data/template_58576,processed_data/calibrate -o processed_data/diff_58611 -p yamls/imdiff.yaml
where imdiff.yaml
description: The AP template building pipeline specialized for DECam
# This pipeline assumes the working repo has raws, calibs, refcats, and a skymap.
# An example of running it:
# pipetask run -j 4
# -b REPO
# -d "exposure IN (289409, 289697, 288935)"
# -i DECam/raw/all,DECam/calib,DECam/calib/DM-26971,refcats/gen2,skymaps
# -o DECam/templates/test1
# -p APTemplate.yaml --register-dataset-types
instrument: lsst.obs.decam.DarkEnergyCamera
class: lsst.pipe.tasks.imageDifference.ImageDifferenceTask
# Always prefer decorrelation; may eventually become ImageDifferenceTask default
doDecorrelation: True
detection.thresholdValue: 5.0 # needed with doDecorrelation
# Don't have source catalogs for templates
doSelectSources: False
we get the error RuntimeError: Templates constructed from multiple Tracts not yet supported
How can we adjust our scripts to solve this error? Is there a way to make a skymap centered on a given collection so that the collection is within a single tract? All of the images in the collection are aligned to the approx. 20’’ level.