Deploying rubin-env 5.1.0

On Tuesday, 2022-12-13, we updated our build infrastructure to use version 5.1.0 of the rubin-env conda-forge metapackage. The d_2022_12_14 daily and w_2022_51 weekly will be the first tagged releases to incorporate this change.

This new environment adds the parsl (RFC-871) workflow interface that was erroneously left out of rubin-env 5.0.0 and the humanize package (requested in RFC-896).

The rubin-env-developer metapackage added in 5.0.0 now has astrowidgets, ipympl, jupyterlab, and jupyterlab_server, most of which were already in rubin-env-rsp (RFC-897). For maximum compatibility, it is recommended that rubin-env be installed first, with rubin-env-developer then installed using the --no-update-deps flag.

Source and binary packages that built under rubin-env 5.0.0 will generally continue to function under rubin-env 5.1.0, as indicated by the semantic versioning. Weekly releases on or after w_2022_51 are not guaranteed to build under previous rubin-env versions.