DM Highlights 2016-04-13 to 2016-04-19



RFC Activity

  • RFC-170: PROPOSED Add a 3rd Party package for Erin Sheldon’s ngmix GitHub repository.
  • RFC-169: ADOPTED Implement HSC-like stack provenance.
  • RFC-153: WITHDRAWN Add SuiteSparse external package (has LAPACK/BLAS dependency).
  • RFC-130: FLAGGED Cost updates to Site Specific Infrastructure Estimation (LDM-144) and Explanation (LDM-143).

Other Items

  • A subset of SuiteSparse, jointcal_cholmod, required by the upcoming simultaneous astrometry package has been added to the build system. (DM-5414)
  • The logic for locating Python for bootstrapping has been simplified. The Python in the path will now be used by default. (DM-5636)