DM Highlights Week of 2016-03-09 to 2016-03-15

This week coincided with the completion of the Winter 16 cycle.


  • There has been a change to how output directories are handled by command line tasks. See this discussion for more details. DM-4236
  • An HSC continuous integration build now happens daily. DM-5222
  • At the close of the W16 cycle, the DRP team completed an extensive test program designed to quantify the order and number of shapelet terms that are needed to model the PSF sufficiently accurately to meet our science requirements regarding galaxy shear measurement. These parameters have a signifcant impact on the overall computational budget for DRP. These tests are now being analysed and a summary of the methodology and results will be presented as a technical note early in the next cycle.
  • At the end of the W16 cycle, almost all significant changes made on the Hyper Suprime-Cam fork of the LSST stack have been merged back to LSST. This includes both important new functionality and many bug-fixes and minor enhancements: see the draft release notes for the coming release for details. Remaining changes will be merged early in X16, and will be accompanied by an extensive program of testing and validation.



Other Items

  • The problems with and LSSTSW bin/deploy on OS X have been fixed. DM-5178
  • A new lsst_ci metapackage now exists that can be used to build all of the obs_* packages with their associated test data. DM-5370