DM Monthly Status Report for August 2017

The DM monthly status report covering August activities has been posted in Docushare, Collection-5185. For your convenience, the High-level Summary is pasted below. Direct link to full report (pdf):

High-level Summary

DM attended and supported the LSST2017 Project and Community Workshop. Many
interesting sessions were held including commissioning simulations with the
Commissioning Team. DM provided the stack in a JupyterLab environment for project and
community members to try out.

We spent time preparing for the NSF/DOE Joint Status Review, to be held in September.
This was, perhaps, easier for DM as we had all material ready from last month’s DM
Review. In the run up to the JSR, there was a Director’s Review which was handled by the
Deputy DMPM (Swinbank) and Jeff Kantor.

DM supported the LSST Community Science Center working group’s face to face meeting at
NOAO, where Melissa Graham gave a presentation on LSST data products, and contributed
to writing the white paper report and William O’Mullane presented DM and the Science

We continued to focus on the development of the key “end-to-end” system for testing Alert
Production pipelines. The “robust coaddition” algorithmic prototype has been developed
into a task which is now being integrated into the DM Stack. We have completed initial
experiments into measuring galaxy shears directly on coadded images. All remaining parts
of Qserv, associated tooling and scripts, and the DAX web services were ported to Python 3,
and all C++ wrappers were ported to pybind11. Result retrieval for
asynchronous/disconnect queries was implemented in Qserv.

The build system has been improved allowing us to get better reports on test durations
and status. FIrefly was deployed in a Docker container at NCSA. It is able to access the
GPFS file system used for bulk data storage, making it possible to browse through
re-processed HSC images at NCSA.

We made a proposal to Project Systems Engineering for a detailed schedule, with
dependencies, for the early integration of Observatory subsystems with each other, leading
up to operations rehearsals and the deployment of the auxiliary telescope spectrograph.
The proposal was discussed, refined, and adopted in sessions at the PCW, and will be
incorporated into the PMCS.

The Data Acquisition (DAQ) test stand deployment activity was completed with security
vetting and follow-up in NCSA. Work on Disaster Recovery (DR) design and implementation
was completed, with verification of successful backup and restore of several partitions. The
AURA Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM) equipment was received. Delays in
REUNA DWDM equipment receipt from the vendor and in access to the Cerro Pachon
caseta delayed the start of the equipment installation by one month. While this will not
impact LSST commissioning, it will delay the First Optic Light Demonstration, as well as the
installation of NCSA’s Identity Management equipment, into November.