DP0.3 - comet detections with ultra-faint (>30) magnitudes

Been pulling some of the simulated LPCs out of DP0.3 and came across an object, ssObjectId 3682069804451782440, that has detections in diaSource that are down to 40th magnitude, with SNR<1. Did a few basic checks, and joining the query onto ssObject as to filter out require sso.flags < 2048 didn’t charge any of the returned detections. Simple query:

service = get_tap_service("ssotap")
lpc3 = service.search("SELECT dia.band, dia.ra, dia.dec, dia.mag, dia.magErr, dia.midPointMjdTai, SSS.heliocentricX, SSS.heliocentricY, SSS.heliocentricZ, SSS.heliocentricDist, dia.snr "
                        "FROM dp03_catalogs_10yr.Diasource as dia "
                        "JOIN dp03_catalogs_10yr.SSSource as SSS "
                        "ON dia.diaSourceId  = SSS.diaSourceId "
                        "AND dia.ssObjectId = 3682069804451782440").to_table().to_pandas()

A couple plots to illustrate the issue:

Hi Mike,

Yeah, unfortunately we have a known bug with some of the detection mags being too dim (see here).

We’re working on an unofficial “DP 0.3.1” with bugfixes for everything that was found since the summer (and a more recent cadence). I suspect it’ll be ready for a test by the end of the year.